Doctor Who Series 2 [2006]

May 10, 2010 15:17

Doctor Who Season 2 Thoughts

The new doctor - In a way I am glad that David Tennant's Doctor is so very different from Christopher Ecclestone's (although I really miss the accent and the manic!smile). It makes it easier to watch the show...

How cute is K-9???

Mickey - I'm liking him more and more! I loved his character development in The Age of Steel - I could so identifiy with his feelings at the start of those two episodies and I love how he found himself, in a way, inside that Zeppelin :D Ooooh and now he's back in Doomsday!! Oh Mickey. Jake!

Rose - It's so good to see she's getting more and more powerful and taking charge. The fun thing is to see that with both her and the Doctor this mainly happens when the other is in grave danger or that out of reach that there's a chance they won't be reunited.

Jackie - Ooooh I love Jackie and how she's all protective of Rose and the Doctor. I also like seeing, finally, where Rose gets her spunk and girlpower from!! W00t! It was fun to see how she and paralleluniverse!Pete reacted to each other when they met up in that tunnel.


Doomsday had me bawling my eyes out, basically, even though it was such a good episode. It hurt so much to see them get separated! :(

*weepy sigh *

I'm still getting used to Ten, but that's okay (I usually have this reaction when they change / take out characters I loved). I loved Nine so much, I knew I'd have bit of a hard time adjusting. What it comes down to - I miss that manic!smile *nods*

Ten is wonderful, though. His emotions are much more on the surface than Nine's, which is always nice to see. Ten is impressive when he gets angry and starts shouting and being forceful. I'm loving the sneakers ;-) Ten's a lot more openly cheerful, I feel, than Nine, which of course makes for different approaches to situations. All in all I'm glad for it, because it does make it easier to see them as two different people. I think I wouldn't have liked it so much if Ten had been more like Nine... Hmmm... funny how that works, yeah?

I hated seeing Rose trapped in that other universe :( - the goodbye scene was particularly emotional.

Right. Off to watch Torchwood Series 1! I need a bit of that before I watch the next Who season...

tv:dr. who

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