I couldn't make it today cause I'm a little light on funds. I didn't forget about you though and once I get paid I promise I'll be back down for us to chill or something.
P.S. What is your mom's email address because I kinda wanted to email her about teaching in Gwinett County and who I should get in contact with, where I should get tested, etc. etc. etc. and I thought she might have some info along those lines.
hello. it is difficult to locate you on livejournal. as all of your friends, who i have friended, update much more frequently than you. apparently i must missed this last post but i had a good time hunting it down. anyway, word on the street - aka steven - is that you are headed down to the lovely town of birmingham. i am assuming you shall be uber busy as you tend to be but if you have any free time and are like "dude, what can i do with this free time' feel free to call me - i would love to see my favorite stephen neff. i'll work out a way to stalk you somehow.
Comments 6
I couldn't make it today cause I'm a little light on funds. I didn't forget about you though and once I get paid I promise I'll be back down for us to chill or something.
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