Ok, let's see if I can cause some fun with writing. Tell me a family tradition you have...an interesting one. Even if it has to be invented of whole cloth. Mine is below the cut.
Also, hope everyone had a good Christmas, and is safe and warm. And STAYS that way!
In Strayer family weddings (the good ones at least - looking at you
Tyrasis...) the youngest kids there try to hold the leashes to the Karelian Bear dogs, while the older kids carry in platters of raw wildebeest. The groom enters, in traditional garb, and sing the saga of Lutefisk the Smelly (I know, odd names back then), first of the Strayers. Then the bride enters. That's actually the same as any wedding you have ever seen. They then loose the dogs, and as they make as much noise as they can (trained, of course), the couple exchanges the vows in old low German...proto-Celtic, really. The glottal stops are the hardest to learn, but you have time to practice. Then they are poked with the sacred Lucerne Hammer, and pronounced wed. They kiss, and we leave to the strains of massed flugelhorns. It usually takes about four hours, what with the singing and dogs and all. I mean, if they get loose, you have to start all over, if someone flubs the words, you start over. And so on. It's a luck thing.