Wow, 21. After all these years, they still hasn't changed their dinosaur, old-school craptastic way of information sharing with their moviegoers. What's with all the secrecy and whispering and the maybes and I-don't-knows and there's-no-decision-yet crap? It's fucking 2009 already, please get your head out of the 1990s we-are-the-only-cinema-in-the-country mentality!
I honestly wasn't even planning to watch it this early. I'm all like, meh... with the crazy that is the Twilight Saga at this point. But it seemed like fun watching it with some girlfriends and cousins of mine and they just can't wait to watch immediately. So we arranged this group effort to drop by Studio XXI EX to get tickets on Saturday, which is the first day they started selling tickets for the special screening that is happening ONLY in that one theater.
I clearly underestimated the growth of the Twilight fandom. I thought, like me, they've died down and moved on to cooler badass vampires such as the likes of True Blood or The Vampire Diaries, but noooooooooooooooo.
Saturday, 3:30 PM. I can't even get my car into the EX Mall coz the line (for cars) stretches down the street all the way to Grand Hyatt. I'm like, fuck this. I have an appointment to pick up my BlackBerry Onyx at 4:00 PM and CLEARLY, that is a bigger priority in my life. My cousin Loretta was at Plaza Indonesia and she walked over and found a crazy mob packed all the way to the Premiere entrance. She took pictures, sent them to me and left.
Sunday, 4:00 PM. Loretta dropped by to buy tickets for Monday. She saw the line and can't even be bothered to continue the effort. Again.
Monday, 3:00 PM. After my presentation at Wisma Indocement, I figured I'll just drop by EX just to SEE what the hoo-ha is all about. I got there and there's a mob by the ticket box. Don't these people work or go to school or something? I asked the ticket counter staff what time do they usually open their counters, and he told me they NORMALLY open at noon, but earlier that day people were pressing against their glass doors by 9 FREAKIN AM, so they had to open the doors by 9:30 AM. What. The. Fuck. Then they also told me that tickets for Wednesday can't be bought yet, and they don't even KNOW if it's still gonna play on Wednesday, as this is a "special advanced screening." But I should come back tomorrow to check for Wednesday as most of Tuesday's seats are all gone anyway.
Tuesday, 11:00 AM. Loretta had stood by the glass doors since 9:00 AM, but by 10:00 AM the doors are STILL not open yet and her dad boss was already screaming for her to get her butt to the office, so I had to take over. I saw the regular ticket counter and thought OH HELLZ NO. Went straight to Premiere and asked if we could buy tickets for Wednesday, and they said we couldn't because they STILL don't have confirmation on whether or not it'll still be playing tomorrow. And the only tickets left were the 21:00 or 22:30 shows. So after coordinating through the wonderfully-connected-through-Blackberries people, I swiped 6 tickets for the 21:00 show. And here's where the shit hits the fan:
Just as my tickets were printing, the lady suddenly muttered somewhere along the lines that the movie opens citywide TOMORROW.
WHAT THE FUCK? Then why the hell am I watching a 21:00 PM show then? And couldn't she told me this BEFORE? I did ask about the status of tomorrow and she DID NOT mention this before! Seriously, that is SHITTY, DECEPTIVE ATTITUDE on their part, man.
To make matters worse, on the same day, 21 tweeted a link to a New Moon review they put up on their site:
I clicked and the first line I saw was a TOTAL GIVEAWAY of what Edward said in the movie's ending. Not that we don't know what went down in the entire 4 books of the Twilight Saga already, but why the hell did they have to put that in? Major movie spoiler. I tweeted back saying their writing is spoilery, and apparently I wasn't the only one who yelled at them.
Later that day, I saw them tweet in response to the protests over their spoilery review:
redevilica got curious and started a search to see what kinds of foul words were thrown at them, expecting somewhere along the lines of fuckety fucks or anjing/bangsat ala Serigala Terakhir. She found NADA. Just few people protesting that it's spoilery. Nothing impolite. Someone seems to be a sore loser. I do not like the tone of that tweet.
Today they tweeted again that New Moon opens in all theaters TODAY. Naturally that would invite a lot of questions from people who are living OUTSIDE Jakarta asking if their city is gonna get New Moon on the same day too, or asking WHEN their city is gonna get New Moon. I could not believe this but 21 later tweeted this shit:
Who hired this douchebag to tweet for them? Seriously, please just drop the smiley face because it doesn't even hide the SNARK, and by "don't bother urself" do they mean "don't bother us" [with your stupid repetitive questions]? These Indonesian Twitterers need to get it in their head that they're Twittering for a company and not PERSONAL. I gotta say, I truly applaud blitzmegaplex's attitude towards customer service and their ability to truly connect with their customers through the use of Facebook and Twitter. Their openness is truly innovative and I see them replying to EVERY SINGLE QUESTION politely, no matter how repetitive it is. Unlike that douche who tweets for 21 telling people to just look at their website because they're TOO DAMN LAZY to tweet a simple reply.
And their website crashes all the time too. So what the fuck? Seriously?
Now, about the movie. I have nothing much to say except:
Holy mother of....... oh Jacob Black! redevilica and I practically clawed at each other everytime Jacob takes off his shirt or appears shirtless. Hs *IS* the eyecandy of the show. Seriously. So, freakin' HOT. Taylor Swift, you lucky beetch! Taylor Lautner, thumbs up! Awesome job as Jacob Black. Please grow bigger and taller so you'll make an even hotter (more mature) Jacob in Eclipse & Breaking Dawn :) I truly enjoyed the Jacob scenes more than anything.
Edward & Bella are both truly pathetic saps in this movie. I don't know whose fault it is that they turn into such pathetic LOSERS that made me seriously look back and wonder what the fuck did I see in Edward back then? I think you fall in love with Edward in Book 1 and then fail to realize what a pathetic overprotective obsessive nutjob he evolved into in the later books? Or was it simply just hideous interpretation for the movie? I was annoyed throughout most of the Edward scenes because he had too much powder & lipstick on, and he talks like there's no more life left in him, like he's ready to just drop dead any second now. I was just talking to redevilica few weeks back when we watched Serigala Terakhir (Say what? Yes, I'll explain in another entry) that there's a difference between bookspeak and moviespeak. Sometimes people write a dialogue that would sound really great when you're reading it, until you say it out loud and realize how STUPID it sounds. I feel most of the Edward/Bella dialogue in New Moon is like that. Somehow I didn't remember Twilight the movie to be so sappy and stupid. The whole Edward-hallucinating bit ended up looking super ridiculous too. Which leads me to... - IT'S PURE INDULGENT UNEDUCATIONAL TRASH
We watch it because it's fun to gawk at the hotness of Jacob (or croon over how dashing Edward is---although that wasn't the case for me), it feeds the fantasies of romance-thirsty women, but seriously, a vampire who turns suicidal because he didn't want to live without Bella? What is this, Sam Pek Eng Tay? I honestly wouldn't dare to recommend it to people who are not fans of Twilight because I can't bring myself to say "OMG you have to watch it because it's sooooo gooooooood." I can't bring myself to say the same thing for the first movie, which kinda disappointed me too because I expected more, but what can you say, they were literal unknowns back then with very little budget. But I expected more AGAIN from this movie thinking they have had the budget increase and a director change so things might be done better, right? Well, Edward still dons that cheap glitter powder effect for his "sparkle" thingy, which is already massively cheesy WITHOUT the tinkling sound effects. Argh! I'm guessing the bulk of the budget went to getting Jacob Black a better looking wig, and the CGI rendering for every single strand of the wolves' hair that tousled playfully in the wind as it ran across the meadow to attack the Vampire Laurent.
I'm sorry, did I sound like a Twihater? Because I honestly am not. Even if I think again today, I really still enjoyed the books (except stupid Book 4), but I could find so many gazillion things to make fun of about the movie. Still, New Moon was definitely way better than Twilight. At least Edward graduated from his LL Bean catalog into....... J.Crew? XD The action scenes were great too, I absolutely loved the wolf pack and wished there were more of them! All in all, it IS entertaining, but I don't think it's for everyone. I'd watch it again to gawk at Jacob, although there's part of me that doesn't want to contribute more to its box-office earnings because I am a little pissed that this little indulgent trashy tweeny movie beat The Dark Knight's opening day record. Although it does communicate a very strong message that Hollywood should really NOT underestimate the power of screaming fangirls :)