Well lets see. Not much has been really going on. Been busy with school and work sorta. I had 2 tests this week, one in Economics and HR. Both tests I got a B. I was really worried about my economics test because I had a different teacher, who actually taught and expected us to know stuff. My HR was a piece of cake. Lit class Ive been doing pretty
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I'm at work and somewhat bored so I thought I would update a bit. Classes are going well and work is too. Ive been going to the gym on monday and wednesday. I should go more though. I think im gonna go walking over the weekend
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Below, are Girl and Guy confessions! If your a girl, fill out the girls confessions,a nd put an 'x' next to each that apply. If your a guy, fill out the guys, and put an 'x' next to each that apply also. Have fun
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My week is half way over, and Im so happy. Yesterday was such a clumsy day. I had stayed over Bills but we signed me in. My HR class let out later than I thought it would, so I was late for work. Then I go back to the dorms to grab a snack bar and get my ID. Then I found out I had to go all the way back to AH. After that I stopped at the caf to get
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