&silent alarms are ringing

Dec 18, 2008 14:01

I still wonder how you got here but thanks for the comment anyway. I wouldn't have met you and got some great advice otherwise. Thank you very much ^^ I really enjoy your work (:


Right, so it's been about 2 weeks since I last posted. My to-do list just keeps growing and growing. >< It's mostly the Christmas pressies that have been keeping me busy though. Every project takes quite some time because I need my mum's help. Those who already got theirs hush ^^ Also, my drawing classes have homework. Practice is synonymous with Art but I don't seem to have been doing much. Gah! ): Plus, I'm starting a online shop with my mum. ^^ I'm really excited because it combines both our loves together :D It's still a work in progress so it'll only be up when it's complete. I also went for Decmeber MAAD and Retro EOY 2008. Vicky, Joy, Mr Ong and myself also had a little Art gathering of sorts for Vi, 'cause she's gonna study in Canada. (She left already btw) I'm still going out and all so /:

Still, I do have lousy time management >< I did accomplish some stuff but my to-do list keeps growing and I'm just sitting around. )< Just a few more things and I will start on that list and well, get them done :D

P.S. This is kinda like a post to just say that I'm alive and kicking! 8D


Fangirl section. Ignore if you please.

I was surfing the net yesterday, getting my dose of Art :D I stumbled upon Foo Swee Chin (or Mignonmushi). She is a Singaporean artist who draws one of the coolest creepy Art I've seen in a while. She also has a online store here. I'm in total love with her illustration book, Schizo Paroxysm <3 (Cover's below) I want one so bad ): Anyone who wants one too and would like to order with me, please contact me asap! Only 5 left D:

I also stumbled upon Partick Ng's website as well. He's a Hong Kong artist who customises his stationery. This mind.Depositer thing of his sounds totally cool. And it can be made. How cool. I don't have the materials though >< Still, my 2009 organiser is sort of in progress (as is everything else! -.-) I am considering getting a Moleskine instead though. But it's expensive T-T


Okay fangirling over! Lol.

threadspools, christmas pressies, reply to comments, art

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