I don't want to say too much here, because I don't know what I'm talking about. But, I think it's appropriate to share some of my thoughts
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Fear and Sadness.
September 6 2005, 21:11:53 UTC
Here's a link from the BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4215336.stm. I'm just pasting that in there for your info. I just wanted to say I feel you with the whole emotional response thing. Had you asked me two years ago about any situation my mind would have started crunching numbers. I was just reminded today of a story about some lady who (this is a "lie" but will serve as a tag of what the actual thought was), when she found her son was deathly ill, she asked a guru to bring him back to life. He advised her that if she would go and walk the land and find a household that had not experienced death, he would heal her son. She took her extended walk and finding no such household she returned home. I thought to myself, "IT's coming" and I had a mild anxiety attack right then, and the air seemed to implode into a space just below my lungs but out of their reach. [Somehow I don't buy that you of all people should feel like a "
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A confession - I rarely cry for people I don't know personally. I need to move beyond the intellectual acknowledgment that these things are horrible to the emotional response that accompanies true identification with the victims. I'm a pretty hard bastard, when it comes down to it
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i hope and pray for your parents that the hurrican season is over soon! we do miss your mom greatly in the 4&5 year old classroom =D i'm still not sure how to respond to katrina and the aftermath. after some time i refused to turn on the newsm i just didn't know anymore how to handle it. the good thing is, my mom keeps sending me newspaper articles from home ~ giving me some info from "the other side". the austrian
Things are bad, but they are not as awful as the media wants you to think.
God is going to use this for good in peoples life. One of the possible good things could be hightlighting of a city whose murder rate is 16% higher per capita than Washington DC. Maybe something will happen to help those people down there in the long run and not just soup for everyone.
Josh, you just hit on something my friend Stephanie told me last Friday. We were talking about New Orleans and it never occured to me to think of how sinful that city really was. She had thought of it though. Neither of us really want to believe that is why God wiped it out but it is a sobering thought.
Things in New Orleans will certainly be highlighted in the aftermath of this tragedy. Leaving the murder rate aside, let's look at another stat provided by my socially conscious friend Greg
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Natural disasters and Theodicynegrito7September 13 2005, 18:22:29 UTC
Questions about the existence of a god and whether the nature of this god is good or bad are usually raised in times of great tragedy like this. I think there are answers, but giving these answers in word instead of deed can be more destructive than the actual disaster itself
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Comments 10
i'm still not sure how to respond to katrina and the aftermath. after some time i refused to turn on the newsm i just didn't know anymore how to handle it. the good thing is, my mom keeps sending me newspaper articles from home ~ giving me some info from "the other side".
the austrian
God is going to use this for good in peoples life. One of the possible good things could be hightlighting of a city whose murder rate is 16% higher per capita than Washington DC. Maybe something will happen to help those people down there in the long run and not just soup for everyone.
---Josh C.
I just have to believe people in New Orleans ultimatly will be better off due to the effects of this storm.
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