So I found out why Duchess has been spending so much time out of her tree...
(Cut for um...poopie)
So as I mentioned she was cruising her tank a few nights ago, and then seemed to be hanging out permanently in her water dish after that. It didn't really occur to me that she might be doing that because she didn't *want* to go back in the tree, but then last night I had the thought that maybe she pooped in there and didn't want to, you know, lie in it. She was overdue for a poop anyways (snakes don't go too often, Duchess seems to only go once a month, not including pellets [which are different, yes). So this morning I shone my flashlight into the tree. Sure enough. So I opened the tank up and pulled out the tree and cleaned it out (thankfully, as it had been about three days, it was dry and easy to pick up, God fresh snake poo stinks to high heaven), and I stuck the tree back in there and put the tank lid on. I left the room to get my stuff for work together and when I came back in to uncover Kiwi's cage Duchess was contendedly slithering back into the tree. So that's what she wanted the whole time, for me to clean up her poop. :P I guess snakes aren't smart enough to know not to poo where they sleep. And she had to sleep in her water dish for three days because of it. Maybe I should get her a little "Maid Service Needed" sign to stick on the glass! Yeesh. Snake poop. o_o