It has arrived! The dealer called this morning, I picked it up this afternoon. I've put a rainbow sticker on it, and it's sitting in the driveway right now, connected to the house via an umbilical power cord
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So, how is the new ride?? (I"m really hoping that _someone_ finally got an electric car right. Not that I'll be buying one any time soon...)
If you're still considering donating your old car, we might be interested in it instead. Our car (88 Honda Accord) has continued to develop personality, and has also acquired several hundred dollars worth of incipient repairs which we've been postponing.
Anyway, I recall you saying that you had some other folks who had dibs, but if they don't want it, do let me know.
Comments 3
If you're still considering donating your old car, we might be interested in it instead. Our car (88 Honda Accord) has continued to develop personality, and has also acquired several hundred dollars worth of incipient repairs which we've been postponing.
Anyway, I recall you saying that you had some other folks who had dibs, but if they don't want it, do let me know.
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