So hey, did I mention that I saw Predators recently? No? Well I saw Predators recently and it was SO FREAKING AWESOME WITH AWESOMESAUCE ON TOP.
I probably forgot to mention that I'm a giant Predator/Aliens fan as well, so this movie made me go ADGFHGHGJHGD AND THEN FANGASM. :D
Things that made me EXPLODE WITH GLEE:
1) They kept the original Predator design from the first movie for one of the Preds. Obviously he was my favorite even though he was tied up for most of the movie. I also love it when Predators grudgingly have to help humans out, which he did.
2) Differentiation in Predator "tribes". I refuse to call the new Predators "Super Predators" because then I'd have DBZ flashbacks and no one wants that. The Preds in this movie are different because they're supposed to be bigger and more aggressive. And they break "warrior code laws" (i.e killing unarmed/defenseless people, training animals to hunt for them, etc.) left right and center, unlike classic Preds. They also mentioned that the two tribes had a blood feud going on. But anyway, it was just cool to see another type of Predator.
3) PEOPLE EXPLODING. Before I even went into the movie I was like, "Someone's head had better explode in this movie," AND THEN THEY DID AND IT WAS GREAT. And annoying convict guy got his spine ripped out which made me "WHOOP" very loudly (he was VERY VERY annoying).
4) WHAT A TWIST type twist. At least, one that I wasn't expecting anyway.
5) The end battle. It had me at the edge of my seat. It was really awesome. I'd say I liked the yakuza sword fight with one of the Preds, but...I found myself trying to hold back laughter rather than taking it seriously. It was very picturesque though.
TL;DR: It was a cool movie and I'm a giant Predator fag.