Imma kill my sister

Mar 08, 2010 19:26

Okies, some things, just shouldn't be done .... regardless of other circumstances ... and when you add unusual circumstances ... just absolutely not.
Well, my sister likes to forget that certain things should not be done and that because of her, there are certain circumstances ...
Facebook ....
I hate it as is
I hate it more when my sister stalks me on it
I hate it even more when the stalking involves her adding my friends (or boyfriend!) when she doesn't even know them
fucking brilliant
I mean, the person she's dating? I even know them but I haven't added them on facebook!

Anywhos ... my sister ... has a different sexual orientation than the norm. >.>
and well, my boyfriend doesn't know that. I figured I'd tell him later, when I knew how he'd react to lesbian couples.
My sister brilliantly decides she wants to know more about my boyfriend so she stalks my profile page and adds my boyfriend.
Does she think twice about it? No
She likes creeping on facebook. It's fun and you don't get in trouble.
Well, she also has "in a relationship with (insert girlfriend's name here) posted right on her profile. For everyone to see.

And guess what?

And the instant you send a friend request to someone it opens up part of your profile to them so they can see more about you.
Thank you idiot sister.
He's here in less than a week and if he starts a convo along the lines of "so you're sister likes girls?" or "You never told me your sister was lesbian ... " (she's not, she's bi, but that's entirely besides the point) or "so your sister likes the pussy over the penis, eh?" and I will die.
Because .... gah. She just came out a few months ago and get this ... I'm not used to it yet. I'm not bothered by it, but I know other people are. And I'm not ashamed of it ... it is what it is, she likes what she likes, but I know that other people freak out. I'm in a state where it is acceptable sort of but you still get ostracized. And I'd like it very much if things that affect me like that are left to my pace and my discretion when it's about me. Believe it or not my boyfriend just might be someone I know better than her ... ugh. And if I'd been able to tell him ... in a way that would best fit the situation, I could have dealt with it better. I mean, even if he had a negative opinion about homosexual relationships, I could have said it in a more ... delicate manner. And there is something better about having a person tell you rather than you just run across it on facebook.


I'm going to kill my sister!!!!!
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