Now for chapter 8... Still unsure on the read with caution...
I don't own anybody. Only my characters and the storyline for this fanfic. Obviously if I could own a real person, Ren would be totally and utterly MINE!!! Oh! and we would be making kittens right now instead of me writing this! Nyaaaaa!!!!! Baicha!!
Chapter 8: Dancing Cats Over Coffee )
Comments 4
Como te dije...*cough* lo lei facil unas 5 veces! xD me loved it...en especial el enfasis en su BUTT! <3 MMM...como amo ese butt X3
Wonderful chapter,as always! x3 My favorite part has to be when they finally regain their senses and think they made kitties the whole night long xD priceless! XD and Ren hit Joyce AGAIN? XD Nya! If this keeps up,poor Joyce will be dead by the end of the fic! Ren must be more careful with doors xD
Puu,and teasing is good!( Cuando no me lo hacen a mi,claro XD) Go Nao! Remind Ren so he doesn't forget all those embarassing things he does. >=3
Puu! I hate you for leaving the chapter like that! (Well,not really xD <3) I'm reaaaaaally hoping you post the next one soon! Or I might die...really! You'll be the cause of my death and that will haunt you for ever and ever! *Cough* Erm,I luv you, and I love your fic xD Now keep working on it so I can read more! X3 *Cracks whip* >=D
Lo siento...tu fic me pone muy hyper,enserio XD
No, can't faint now because I need to comment!
This is super! I like this chapter the most! It is so funny! I couldn’t stop laughing.. and it almost broke all the process because I wanted to go back to reading but the next sentence made me laugh even more. The waking part is awesome!
I'm so much full of good emotions now! It is 2 AM now and I don't think I will be able to fall healthily asleep because I wanna reread it and just laugh once again!
The guys are so adorable.
The job is great!! *hugs*
You are the best!
(o ^*^)o Puru puru!! Puuupuuuuruu!! Hurray!!
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