Hi, guys! How are you?
I just realized that, though my OTP is Merthur and I ship a lot of same sex pairings and it is therefore inferred that I support equality of rights, I haven't actively expressed my views openly.
I not only support equality of rights, I can't believe it's an issue at all.
Marriage isn't what it was 2000 years ago. Back then, the point of marriage was to breed; to keep the population growing because 7 out 10 children would die before they were old enough to be productive or have children of their own.
It was a time when marriage was arranged and there was no need for the couple to know each other very well. It was a dutie to humanity, a need for survival.
But we are in the 21 century, and we are not underpopulated. Having children isn't a need for survival anymore.
We are failing to see this; we are failing to see that marriage has evolved into something based on love and support.
A lot of married couples decide not to have children and there is nothing wrong with that; they just want to be together. Others decide never to marry and, though society still keeps a tendency to see that decision as negative, the right to be alone isn't necessarily violated.
Now, if we've come such a long way, what is the problem with allowing people who love each other to marry just because they are of the same gender?
What is the logical, true argument that keeps people from being able to make use of their rights?
Today I watched a video that is absolutely PERFECT to describe the bullying, intolerance and lack of empathy issues that we're going through in the entire world.
This video is sad and very powerful. Please watch it and spread it so that more people get the chance to see the world from a different angle.
Click to view