So Shampoo find out she need to do fandom post, so she work hard and made something!
Title: ...Shampoo no think of title. D:
Fandom: Ranma 1/2
Summary: Shampoo got new rollerskates! Drabble thing!
Disclaimer: *giggle* Shampoo no own her series. :D
Shampoo had crash bike one week ago, so she went to store down street and got new way of going places.
A pair of skates! Pink ones! With white laces!
Shampoo enjoy her new possession and skate around cafe with them, leaving black marks on floor. Great Grandmother unhappy about it, so she hid away Shampoo skates while Shampoo was sleeping.
Next day, Shampoo very upset. Duck boy, or Mousse, heard Shampoo tears of sadness and decided to take skates back to give Shampoo. But Shampoo refused Mousse's help, and want Ranma to get skates back! But Ranma not home, so Shampoo sad again.
So Shampoo decide to be cute and get skates back from Great Grandmother, and it work! Shampoo happy again! The next day, Shampoo went down street to get spices from store. But store closed. It seem like bad week, yes?
Shampoo skate back home, half-angry and half-sad and did not see duck in road and ran over it and tripped. Shampoo got mad and kicked it into oblivion. STUPID MOUSSE. ALWAYS GET IN SHAMPOO WAY!
Shampoo then went home a slept.
(( ooc: ... that was painful to write. ))