I've been thinking way too much about plotting, and especially the very bad plotting in the Star Wars prequels. Without getting too much into that, I give you, something that should have happened in Star Wars Episode III:
Palpatine: Amidala, where is the child?
Amidala: [looking away] Somewhere safe.
Palpatine: [a little irritation showing through]
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Or that Obi Wan didn't know about Leia ("That boy is our last hope...") even though he was RIGHT THERE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM!
Lucas seriously needed to watch his movies again.
One thing I read that was seriously awesome was on Cracked they mentioned there's a fan theory that both R2-D2 and Chewbacca are rebel agents all along. R2 kept an eye on the princess while a memory-wiped C-3PO bumbled along beside him, and Chewbacca, on Yoda's orders, partnered with a smuggler who operated out of Tattooine to keep an ear to the ground. If they'd had a reveal for that, it would've been epic.
"What? A weapons cache from the Clone Wars? How the hell could you know that?"
"You helped put it there. Riiiight."
[Iris-wipe to Han and Chewie standing in the weapons cache.]
"Chewie, you've got some explaining to do."
Chewie hefts a massive blaster cannon on his shoulder. "Brawr!"
"Uh... right."
"By the way, I haven't seen Jar Jar around here lately?"
"He died."
"..." *shrug* "So about the Trade Federation..."
Emperor: Be evil, join the dark side.
Annakin: No, I will not.
Emperor: Join us!
Annakin: I will join you, but for good reasons, and I will do no evil.
Annakin goes forth and slays all the Jedi-children.
Well, that, and midochondolodoritoislorians.
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