[ ]Became single
[ ] got kissed
[ ] kissed someone new
[ ] made out in a car
[ ] kissed in the snow
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] kissed on the beach
[X] fell in love
[ ] fell in love with a fool
[ ] had my heart broken
[ ] broke someone else's heart
[ ] had a stalker
[ ] lost a friend
[X] had a good relationship with someone
[X] questioned my sexual orientation
[ ] came out of my closet
[ ] got married
[ ] had a divorce
[ ] kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] dated someone that I will never forget
[ ] did something I regret
[ ] lost faith in love
[ ] kissed under mistletoe
[X] got a job
[ ] got a promotion
[X] got a pay raise
[X] changed jobs
[X] quit my job
[ ] dated a co-worker
[ ] dated my boss
[ ] dated my boss's son/ daughter
[ ] got fired from my job
[ ] got straight A's
[ ] met a teacher who I became friends with
[ ] met a teacher who I really hate
[X] found a subject I love
[X] failed a class
[x] cut class
[X] skipped school
[ ] got in a fight with a classmate
[ ] did something I was proud of
[ ] discovered a new talent
[X] proved myself that I'm an idiot
[X] embarrassed myself in front of the class
[ ] fell in love with a teacher
[ ] got the lead role in the school play
[ ] made a team
[ ] was involved in something that I will never forget
[ ] painted a picture
[ ] wrote a poem
[ ] ran a mile
[X] listened to music I couldn't stand
[X] double dipped
[ ] skinny dipped
[ ] went to a sleepover
[ ] went to camp
[ ] threw a surprise party
[ ] laughed till I cried
[ ] laughed till I peed my pants
[ ] flirted shamelessly
[ ] visited a foreign country
[X] visited a state
[X] cooked a disastrous meal
[ ] lost something important to me
[X] got a gift I love
[ ] realized something new about myself
[ ] went on a diet
[ ] tried to gain weight
[X] dyed my hair
[ ] came close to losing my life
[ ] someone/thing close to me died
[ ] got arrested
[ ] read a great book
[X] saw a great movie
[ ] saw a movie so scary that it made me cry
[ ] saw a favorite band live
[ ] did something that I wanted to tell everyone
[X] experienced something new
[X] made new friends
[ ] found out who your real friends are
[X] lied to your parents
[ ] snuck out
[ ] got in trouble with a po-po
[ ] pissed in a pool
[ ] kissed under the stars
[ ] had the time of your life
[ ] danced
[ ] fell out of love
[X] had a crush on someone
[ ] changed your sexual prefence
[ ] swam in a pool
[ ] made a snowman
[ ] went snowboarding
[ ] went sledding
[ ] slept in past 2pm
[ ] held someones hand that you care about
[ ] got wasted in a public place
[X] told someone you like them as more than a friend
[ ] gone on vacation
[ ] gone on vacation with a friend
[X] driven a car
[ ] played strip poker D20.
[ ] danced in the rain
[ ] got in a car accident
[X] seen someone get in a car accident
[ ] got in a fist fight
[ ] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[X] missed someone
[ ]sent someone to the hospital
[ ] got a new pet
1. what did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before?
I drove a bus.
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never made any, and no, probably not
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
If they did, I was not informed
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. what countries did you visit?
6. what would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
more feeling other than annoyance and apathy.
7. what date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
There's someone who knows which date, but she knows who she is.
8. what was your biggest achievement of the year?
Passing this past semester. And not killing myself out of sheer despair of humanity.
9. what was your biggest failure?
Failing spring semester '06
10. did you suffer illness or injury?
Not really
11. what was the best thing you bought?
Nothing, really
12. whose behavior merited celebration?
I would say mine, for not going on a blind, murderous rampage, but that would be egotistical and out of character.
b>13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
14. Where did most of your money go?
15. what did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going to Illinois to see Cat.
16. what song will always remind you of 2006?
'Keep Holding On' by Avril Lavigne
17. compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder?
about the same
thinner or fatter?
richer or poorer?
18. what do you wish you’d done more of?
Saving money.
19. what do you wish you’d done less of?
Money spending.
20. how will you be spending christmas?
I spent Christmas at home veging out.
21. did you fall in love in 2006?
22. how many one-night stands?
23. what was your favorite tv program?
Don't watch tv
24. do you dislike anyone now that you didn’t dislike this time last year?
Yes. Yes, I do. Fucking hospital workers
25. what was the best book you read?
"Not So Quiet..."
26. what was your greatest musical discovery?
*shrugs* Not much
27. what did you want and get?
Nothing, really
28. what did you want and not get?
Nothing really.
29. what was your favorite film of this year?
Happy Feet
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
30. What did you do on your birthday?
Went to class and took the day off work
31. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
*shrugs* I dunno... If all the stupid people were killed off?
32. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
I wore clothes that kept me from being noticed for the most part
33. what kept you sane?
My friends and what little alone time I got
34. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
*shrugs* Dunno... I guess I liked Elijah Wood...
35. what political issue stirred you the most?
I try not to be depressed even more by politics
36. who did you miss?
My mother
37. who was the best new person you met?
Thalia! And Cat! And Lisa!
38. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006?
Didn't really learn one...
39. quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Keep holding on, Cause you know we'll make it through"