SASUKE REALLY LOST IT. I never thought Kishimoto would dare to do something like this. With that, there is absolutely no way Sasuke can be saved. Zero chance. Nada.
I'm so shocked, and trapped between liking how awesome it is and hurting from heartbreak for Sasuke. Wow.
(By the way, I noticed that every time a fight I'm really bored with ends, some huge dramatic shit happens. :D)
EDIT: I'm ever the hoper. Here's to hoping it's just an act, like what Itachi did, to fool Madara. *looks back at that face* *shivers* Okay, so the face is REALLY convincing. But there's a tiny miny bit hope left in my soul. I can't help it.
Also, at least, we'll finally see what's up with the remaining two jinchuuriki. Naruto had better have a damn good reason to faint on us, damnit.