Thursday 22nd: AURAL WINDOW gig
Aural Window played at the Arthouse on the 22nd, so I went like a good little friend-of-the-band and dragged my friend Tom along. It was so very awesome as always, and much beer was had, as well as the obligatory after-gig tequila shots xD
I got a lot of pictures, but here are my 5 favourites.
Artistic shot of Aki <3
Friday 23rd: MY ACTUAL B-DAY And Mach Pelican @ Espy
This is the day I actually turned 19. I decided that it'd be nice to celebrate by going to a gig, so I did. Aside from a few hiccups in the beginning (poor Dee! I wanted to hit that bastard with the billiard ball), It was soooo much fun. Aki, Sheena and Kota presented me with a necklace as a birthday present (Thank you guys! Its beautiful *_*), and I was surprised by 4 of my old high school mates showing up, one of which does NOT like punk, but made an effort for me <3, and a phone call from a Paul who's in Perth at the moment.
The bands playing that I was there to see were The Havenots and Mach Pelican. SO MUCH WIN.
I didnt get home from the city til 8.30AM.
Nice one, Trent! But its a punk gig. (I lied, there's really 5 old school friends.)
Joy and I.
Either Tomoki or Kota blew ciggy smoke at the same time as I took the photo.. I love this effect :)
The Crowd.. Lyndon should stop being an emo kid.
Saturday 24th: Dinner at Wagamama & Drinks at Robot
ON Saturday, we went to Wagamama, a Japanese restaurant in QV. I was pleased with the turnout (both there and at Robot!), and dinner was so very tasty. Will surprised me by bringing along JJ, who was armed with a camera. It was a wonderful dinner. My favourite present was the tee from Nick that said, "Flesh-eating zombies ruined my birthday!" Well, in a way they did, except that they weren't flesh-eating zombies... but I'm not going over that again. >_>
At Robot, we managed to fill the entire top section AND get Miki and Lia in. Masa and Ushiwaka brought Masaki, Fumi, Ryu and a few others along, and Sheena, Aki and Kota got Mike, their drummer, along, and Aki brought another friend. Most of the people I invited came along too. It was great seeing so many people I cared about... we all had to squish up to fit, but we DID IT!
Oh, and Drew and Aidan hooked up, as well as Nick and Jo. GLAD I COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE. :P
Oh, Drew.. You're such a cutie.
Heee.. So much love.
Miki's hair, Nick, Jo and Berenice.
I dont know WHAT that expression was.
Or this one.
Blaaaaaah! Hehe.
My fringe wrecks this photo.
The ever-excitable JJ and Louise.
Triss, #1 Sheena Fanboy, minus the fangs.
Apparently some of my friends envied me since I had cute boys at my birthday? Haha.
Ryu (centre) reminds me of a kitten.
Nick and I. His younger sister swears that he and I are a couple. FAR FROM TRUE.
BWHAHAHAHA! Nick and Jo, blinded by my flash.
Ryu and Kirsty. Dawww.
Aidan and Drew.. So ADORABLE.
Photos from the picnic coming soon! And possibly the rest of the Aural Window photos if I can be bothered uploading to photobucket, which is currently BEING A STUPID JERK.
But yes.