Kudos for inviting same-sex couples raising children to the White House for the Easter Egg roll, along with military families. Hearing about that really did warm my heart. I know that not everyone agrees with what he is doing but there are somethings that he is doing that is just totally right.
It's time for a new job. Plain and simple. I'm looking but there is not much that seems to be within my talents. If any of you out there come across something, give me a shout out. It needs to be full time with an at min. start of 9/hr. I've too many dang bills and debts to pay to settle for anything less.
Life seems to be settling down a little bit. Good news, the computer only needs a new psu instead of a motherboard like we had initially feared
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It's been a long week. I've got the car back. I guess I'm lucky that it had not caught on fire as it had actually burned holes in a certain part.
Also. No computer at home. I managed to unhook something while dusting it and with no idea what I did, I have to wait till a friend can come and check it out and rehook whatever wire I unplugged. D:
Oh my gosh! Do I have awesome friends who are willing to help me out in unexpected ways! Seriously. I love you all and I don't think I could ever thank any of you enough for what you all do for me
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