Title: All The Things You Said Pairing: Jackson/JB Rating: Varies Length: Varies Summary: Based on this meme, a series of mini fics. Things you said...
Baby, you are just right“Jackson, sing!” Bambam dramatically waves his hand at Jackson, nearly hitting him in the face with his microphone
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#14 was fluffy and not angsty tho. but yeah #10 was a bit hard to write because i feel pain when i can't give them a happy ending. maybe that's why i make the fluffy ones super duper fluffy.
#18 was my favourite to write, i love that 'verse so much, i'm glad you do too <3
Ahh, okay I haven't written feedback in a long time, but I just came across this community and after reading this, well, I've time on my hands and needed to post this to show my appreciation! So rambling comment ahead
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i try to keep that balance and not make fluff sickeningly sweet or turn angst into narm. i really liked the concept for #17 as well, if given the right plot i could turn that into a full story.
i have a lot more jackbum in my collection, i hope you peruse them and enjoy those too :]
Comments 5
#18 was my favourite to write, i love that 'verse so much, i'm glad you do too <3
thanks for reading!
(and welcome to 7fics~)
i try to keep that balance and not make fluff sickeningly sweet or turn angst into narm. i really liked the concept for #17 as well, if given the right plot i could turn that into a full story.
i have a lot more jackbum in my collection, i hope you peruse them and enjoy those too :]
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