Title: tall tales Pairing: Jackson/JB Rating: R Length: 1.6k Summary: Jackson tells the story of how he met Jaebum, how his life changed. A/N: Inspired by this video
that was some gr8 imagery but LMAO poor mark..... this is hilarious a++++
the beans at the end were so so funny and i loved how you showed mark's reactions throughout jackson's story "“No, that’s, I’m alright,” Mark says hesitantly."
i wonder how jaebum would react to this though?!!?? tbh im still laughing
Comments 1
the beans at the end were so so funny and i loved how you showed mark's reactions throughout jackson's story "“No, that’s, I’m alright,” Mark says hesitantly."
i wonder how jaebum would react to this though?!!?? tbh im still laughing
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