Доповнення до посту "Дроби"

Nov 10, 2013 17:43

Недавно в одній науково-популярній статті Азімова читав про жахи недесяткових систем мір. Він там згадував перший американський підручник із арифметики "Pike's Arithmetic". Замість цитування Азімова, я вирішив знайти оригінал. Зараз він доступний на багатьох сайтах, зокрема і тут. Ось деякі цікаві місця:

FEDERAL MONEY is the coin of the United States, established by Congress in 1786. The Gold Coins are the Eagle, Half Eagle, and Quarter Eagle. The Silver Coins are the Dollar, Half Dollar, Quarter Dollar, Dime, and Half Dime. The Copper Coins are the Cent, and Half Cent. Mill is only imaginary, there being no coin less than a half cent. The denominations of Federal Money are Eagles, Dollars, Dimes, Cents and Mills.


10 Mills = Cent
10 Cents = Dime
10 Dimes = 1 Dollar
10 Dollars = Eagle


To reduce Lawful Money, or the Currency of New-England, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee, to Federal Money - the dollar being 6 shillings.

RULE.- As the value of a dollar is equal to three-tenths of a pound, when pounds are given to be changed, annex three ciphers to the sum, and divide the whole by 3 ; the quotient is the answer in cents.


To reduce New-York and North-Carolina Currency to Federal Money - the dollar being 8 shillings.

RULE. - Add a cipher, and divide by 4.

Note. - If there are shillings, pence, &c. given in any case, they must always be reduced to the decimal of a pound, and annexed to the given pounds before dividing by 3 ; and in all such cases three figures must be cut off at the right hand for decimals of a dollar.


To reduce Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and
Ohio Currency to Federal Money - the dollar being Is. 6d.

RULE.- Multiply by 8, and divide the product by 3, the quotient will be the answer.


To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia Currency to Federal Money - the dollar being 4s. ?d.

RULE. -Multiply by 30, and divide the product by 7, the quotient will be the answer.


4 gills = pint
2 pints = quart
4 quarts = gallon
31.5 gallons = barrel
63 gallons = hogshead
2 hogsheads = pipe, or butt
2 pipes = tun

NOTE - The wine gallon contains 231 cubick inches.


2 Pints = Quart
4 Quarts = Gallon
8 Gallons = Firkin of Ale in London
8.5 Gallons = Firkin of Ale or Beer
9 Gallons = Firkin of Beer in London
2 Firkins (котрих із трьох?) = Kilderkin
2 Kilderkins = Barrel
1.5 Barrel, or 45 Gallons = Hogshead of Beer
2 Barrels = Puncheon
3 Barrels, or 2 Hhds = Butt

Note - The beer gallon contains 282 cubick inches.

A barrel of Mackerel and other barrelled fish, by law of New-Hampshire, is to contain not less than 29, nor more than 30 gallons. In Massachusetts, it is 30 gallons. In Connecticut and New-York, the Shad and Salmon barrel, must contain 200 lbs.

PS Я копіював із epub версії, виправляючи очевидні помилки OCR, часом звіряючи із pdf версією. Але в одному місці помилку не помітив. У CASE IV (курс валют Південної Кароліни і Джорджії) одна із цифр замінилася буквою. Але нехай це буде задачею із арифметики. Яка там була цифра? (Я замінив її на ?, щоб виляд букви не додавав підказок.)
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