
Feb 17, 2008 00:32

I'm new to this community and a bit new to the pairing. However I love this pairing. It is the best pairing in the universe!

I'm currently writing a fic for this pairing called Metamorphosis.

It is an Ulquixhime pairing of course.

Comments and advice are wanted.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach. But I would love a plushie of Ulqxhime.

Note: I got some inspiration from Metamorphosis by Shadray on fanfic.net. It is a really nice fic. (Wishes it was more than one chapter!)

Summary: Sometimes a change is needed, a metamorphosis. But change brings problems and an unlikely person will help pick up the pieces.


Inoue Orihime was temperamental, in a good way of course.

She was sweet, full of honey and sugar. She was all smiles and laughs.

Note the word was.

When Orihime was kidnapped and forced into Hueco Mundo, her smiles started to fade away. Her once blooming personality was being slowly destroyed piece by piece.

Hueco Mondo was no place for humans. Not even humans with God rejecting abilities.

It didn’t help that Hueco Mundo was full of hollows. Also, it also didn’t help that the place she was currently inhabiting was full of arrancar who could incinerate at a glance.

Luckily, or unluckily Aizen needed her so none of the hollows or Espada could touch her.

None except for Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra was her kidnapper. Ulquiorra was her keeper. Ulquiorra was the quarto Espada.

Ulquiorra was breaking her heart, telling her coldly that Chad was dead and that her friends were trash. In a fit of uncharacteristic anger, she slapped him. It was only when she felt the throbbing pain in her hand did she realize that she had just slapped Ulquiorra.

The following events were a blur to Orihime. She was reeling with what she had done. To hurt another being goes against every bone in her body. She wouldn’t let people be hurt because of her.

When she manifested the ability to heal people she was joyous. When she was told that because of Ichigo she manifested this ability her crush for the strawberry deepened.

She had always watched Ichigo, watched as strong and brave Ichigo went through life beating up bullies and protecting others.

She wanted to protect others but could not. She could barely protect herself. In school Tatsuki-chan had protected her and even taught her some karate. It was Tatsuki and Rukia that taught her to be stronger.

After the incident, Orihime sat, legs drawn to her chest bathed in moonlight.

Ever since the news of her friends coming to save her, she was lost in thought, lost in memories, lost in the feeling that something was going to happen, something enormous.

It was after she thought of her life and the special people in it that she realized that her crush was lost to another. Ichigo and Rukia were meant for each other. She knew all along but her heart didn’t want to realize it.

With a thought, she summoned one of her fairy helpers from her hairpin.


The small male fairy raised an eyebrow. When Orihime summoned him, he was ready for a fight. To say he was disappointed was an understatement. He was not made to be taught to. He was made to fight.


“Do you like me?”

That threw him off.

“Uh…” Tsubaki really didn’t know what to say. Personally, he wanted someone more willing to fight as his wielder. Orihime was too soft in his opinion. But he was content.

There was a strength of will in Orihime that contrasted her unwillingness to hurt people. If only she could fuel that towards destruction and Tsubaki would like his wielder even more.

“Course I do, baka.” Tsubaki decided that he was going to give Orihime a new nickname.

Baka would do. Orihime the idiot or Orihime-baka.

It suited her. He was not going to get some grief just because Orihime thought he could be her therapist. He was a fighter for kami’s sake.

“Any other mushy questions do you have or can I go now?” Tsubaki was either going to blow something up or return back into the hairpin. He was not going to hang around for twenty questions.

Orihime nodded. Tsubaki disappeared back into her hairpin.

Once again she was alone.

Alone in hallow infested, Espada territory palace, alone, surrounded by enemies, and kept alive only because of her powers, her god defying powers.

While Aizen was an excellent illusionist, he couldn’t hide his true feelings from Orihime.

It was her gift, this ability to look through veils and see what really lies behind the lies and illusions. She knew what Aizen is and the truth terrified her. His Espada terrified her.

She held no illusions that the world was all flowers and puppies. She never did. But there were times she wished the world was a bag of sweetness and sometimes she lied to herself.

But here in Huerto Mundo, she could not.

She was changing. She could feel it. She knew it.

Of all the things Orihime knows is herself. She knows her heart and her mind. She knows what she can do and what she can’t do.

But that was before. That was before Ichigo became a shinigami, which was before she was violently thrust into a world that was more imaginative than her expansive imagination.

Despite how she entered into this world she loved it. Just at one glance she could tell Soul Society was amazing, full of lively people. It was just like the living world except for the concentration of spirit particles.

And that is where the problem lies.

Spirit particles.

Because of Ichigo’s high reiatsu, he had unknowing leaked it out changing people near him. That is how Orihime’s powers awakened.

That in itself is not bad.

But. There is always a but.

Huerto Mundo was hollow land. Thus, there is a lot of hollow energies. Therefore, the hollow energies were changing Orihime.

Her reiatsu was fluctuating. The fluctuations were too small to tell but they were occurring.

Change was literally in the air.

She was turning into a hallow, she was turning into the enemy.

Orihime closed her eyes and wished she was back home, back with her friends.

She wished she was stronger, wished she was eating her pickle covered seaweed icecream, wished that her brother was back, and wished that Ulquiorra would smile.

Of all the Espada, he was the only one she seen constantly. Of all the Espada, she preferred him. She didn’t know most of the Espada but she tried to stay out of Nnoitra’s way. There was something about the way he said Pet-sama that terrified her.

She didn’t dislike Ulquiorra, he was after all doing his job. You can’t hate a person for doing their job.

Orihime stifled a sniff.

She must be strong.


Orihime looked up. Ulquiorra was back, along with a plate of food.

“You must eat onna. You must be healthy when Aizen calls on you for your abilities.”

Orihime wanted so much to tell Ulquiorra what she thought of Aizen and how he closely resembles a three toed sloth wearing a tutu.

But the fight was being leeched out of her. Her will was eroding away.

“I’m not hungry.” She sounded unconvincing to herself.

Ulquiorra’s frown deepened. His job was to baby-sit the woman. He takes orders well and plans to complete his order. However the woman was being obstinate. Humans, useless trash he thought as he placed the plate of food down.

However, his opinion on human woman was being tested. No one had dared slap Ulquiorra, especially a weak human onna. But, the she did.

She was strong.

“I will return later. If you do not eat, I will be forced to make you eat.” Ulquiorra turned and walked away.

He felt a flare in reiatsu and paused. Ulquiorra knew the onna to be too strong of will to take her own life. With her friends in Hueco Mundo, killing herself would be a waste of their efforts.

After a few seconds of eavesdropping he walked away. She had summoned her fairies and was talking to them.

The next day or what passes for day in Hueco Mundo he went to her door with an arrancar servant.

He walked in, almost anticipating the daily rejection of food. To his surprise, a big chrysalis stood in the middle of the room. Where was the human woman?

“If you’re looking for hime, she’s in there.” Said a familiar voice.

Ulquiorra turned to look at Grimmjow.

“How do you know?”

“I watched.”

There were times like these that made Ulquiorra wish he wasn’t surrounded by fools.

“You did not try to stop her?”


Ulquiorra contemplated loping off Grimmjow’s arm.

“I tried to cero it but the green thing absorbed the blast.”

Ulquiorra again contemplated chopping off both of Grimmjow’s arms.

Grimmjow shrugged. “I can’t get close to the dang thing. Got a pure reiatsu shield around it.”

Ulquiorra closed his eyes. All thoughts of maiming Grimmjow banished from his mind.

“Have you notified Aizen-sama?”


Ulquiorra’s thoughts started to stray dangerously close to maiming Grimmjow in the worse possible way.

“It’s your problem Aizen’s pet.”

Grimmjow departed.

Ulquiorra turned to look at the arrancar servant. “Alert Aizen-sama.”

The servant bowed and hurried to do his appointed task.

Ulquiorra stared at the chrysalis. “Onna.”

In his mind images flashed before him as he thought of the woman. He suspected the thing before him indeed held the woman. The chrysalis closely resembled that of what a caterpillar would do before changing into a butterfly.

Hours later, Szayel confirmed Ulquiorra’s thoughts.

“It is indeed a transformation Aizen-sama.”

Szayel, Ulquiorra and Aizen stood around the chrysalis. Any attempts to move the object resulted in a devastating wave of reiatsu that terminated a lesser arrancar. Szayel had to bring his tools up to Orihime’s room.

“Reiatsu is being drawn into the object. It is very similar to that of a butterfuly chrysalis.”

Aizen looked at the chrysalis thoughtfully. “How long till she emerges?”

Szayel shrugged. “I cannot tell. However I do know that the more reiatsu she absorbs, the faster the process.”

Ulquiorra concurred. Before Szayel appeared, he fired off a cero to see if what Grimmjow said was correct.

He was.

The cero was absorbed, leaving the chrysalis unharmed.

“Aizen-sama I suggest that we leave it alone until the transformation is over. It is obvious we cannot do anything as of now.”

“What do you know! I bet I can find a way!” The glasses on Szayel’s face reflected the light eerily.

“Can any of your devices analyze the chrysalis within five feet?”

“Uh…no.” Szayel frowned. “Why?”

“If you cannot get within five feet it is hopeless.”


“Instant vaporization.”

Aizen and Szayel immediately checked how far away they were from the chrysalis. Ulquiorra, was of course, further than five feet from the chrysalis.

Aizen coughed a little. “Thank you for warning Ulquiorra.”

Ulquiorra bowed. “Of course Aizen-sama.”

Aizen wondered if Ulquiorra was being sarcastic. Oh well, this transformation didn’t change his plan that much. His curiosity was piqued as to what the end result would be.



“Your orders have not been changed except to hasten the process.”

Aizen walked away. Szayel gathered his equipment and he too started to walk away.

Ulquiorra stared at the chrysalis. Great he was demoted from watching the onna to watching a weird object with the powers to vaporize him.

He should’ve killed her the first chance he got. She was ruining his nice and orderly life. Thoughts began to emerge in his mind, thoughts that swirled around the onna.

What was her name again?

“Inoue Orihime.” Ulquiorra frowned.

What a troublesome woman.


Okay. Do you like it? This is the first part of what will be hopefully a multi-chaptered fic.

Also do anyone here want to chat about the pairing? Fics are easier when they are chatted about.

ulquiorra, fanfiction, orihime

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