Good Guys Don't Always Wear WhitePairing: Sheppard/McKay
Words: 31000
Category: AU, crossover/fusion: X-men
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: Allusions to canon, but if you haven't seen the episodes, you won't notice them
Warnings: See bottom of page
Summary: Wherein Rodney feels transparent, John shows his true colors and Teyla has a special touch.
Author's Notes: Oh. My. God. The Fic That Ate My Brain for Six Months. FINISHED. *collapses*
I started writing this fic in the evenings in Malta, homesick and computerless, and it was a great comfort to me. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (when it wasn't eating my brain, that is).
MANY thank yous to Danvers, without who I would have given up after about 2000 words, and who cheered me on and came with suggestions and generally made me feel good about the fic. Thanks to Kylie Lee, who went above and beyond, even when busy as hell, and really reorganized the story and made it whole, and not fragmented scenes put together. And last but not least, Suz, who I can always trust to give me a honest opinion. You guys rock.
ETA: The cover for the fic.