Im waiting up late tonight.
Wondering if you are OK.
You havent come home yet tonight.
I Hate myself to be hopeful,
That you have found somewhere else to stay.
At the same time I'm worried sick.
You say you have protection,
you think your really tuff.
But who is out there to protect you mate?
Haven't they had enough?
Isn't that why your back?
You had no-where else to go?
It wouldn't be a problem you see,
but your the one who left here.
I waited a year for you,
I cried almost every night.
I really do feel for you.
But i cant stand it now your home.
I dont want things to go back to the way they were.
Back when you lived here before,
before I was happy.
And I hate myself for feeling this.
I still cry every night.
Now its not because I'm missing you,
but because your home again.
I hate my freedom going.
I hate you talking to me like shit.
I hate the tention you bring here,
I hate every bit.
But I love you more than ever,
that will never change.
I can't go on hating myself
You chose to have it this way.
The other day I was watching videos, the sight broke my heart.
I saw you as a baby, happy.
I saw me pushing you, and acting really mean.
I thought maybe if i wasnt such a bitch,
maybe you wouldnt hate me now.
maybe you'd still be happy.
Then i saw another video.
This one tore me apart.
You were talking to Pa, on my first day of school.
At first i thought you were squinting,
But then I realised it was your eyes,
they were sad.
Mum said you always looked that way.
I wonder when it changed.
And how much am I to blame?
You didnt always hate me you know.
At some times we were close.
Remember when Dad locked you in that jail cell?
You were only four years old?
You were scared of the dark,
I was scared of dad.
I stayed outside that cell.
Too short to reach the door,
too short to see through the slot.
But I stayed there all the same.
You knew I was there, 40 degrees an all.
All day I stayed, I'd do it again.
I hate to think your still out in the dark.
I'm not strong enough to pull you out mate.
But i would still try if you let me.
When we moved away from dad's thats when things got strange.
I think the sadness in your eyes was you missing dad.
Lil bro he loves you,
but he doesn't know what to do.
He never had a dad you see,
he had Keith- enough said.
I don't know why you hate me,
Why you used to take your pain out on me?
I never asked to be beaten,
I never asked to live in misery.
Did you learn that from dad?
Did you think that meant it was OK?
Do you think I deserved that mate?
To live like that every day.
Then we were close for a bit.
We used to share our smokes.
I hated to influence you,
but I loved us being close.
Then you up and left us,
broke my heart in two,
day before my exams it was.
June 17th, i still remember the day.
Almost a year later and your back,
I'm not exactly sure where youv'e been.
Your right when you say we don't know you mate.
It's not that we dont want to.
I just can't go back to the way it used to be.
See your my lil bro, I'll always love you
But i can't go on hating myself for what you choose to be.
An unemployed drug dealer,
when you could be so much more.
I love you mate,
but i can't take much more