Need them in:
overevery (no skips)
jorge_2 (no skips)
Have them in:
rockn_rose (1 skip)
tory_guvera (no skips)
edckezia (1 skip)
pursy (2 skips)
vani11a_fox (1 skips)
alice_trip (1 skip)
Guidelines and Pictures:
- You must submit ONE icon.
- The icon must be new and never posted before.
- Don't post your icon until the results are announced.
- Use only pictures provided.
- You can use all effects, except animation.
- Your icon must fit within the lj limits.
- 100x100 px, 40 kb.
- Please post your icon as a comment to this post (picture and url).
- If you want to use your skip please let me know!
Deadline - October, 4th (Saturday) 2008
Moscow Time. Pictures (click to see full size):