HOLY SHIT, i have so much to say about this article, but actually, I have to sleep,so I will write my thoughts on this tommorow, I was reading it immensely slow to make sure I wasnt missing any details, wow, I am totally not accepting that there isnt a a shitload of moral distinctions between genetic engineering/neo-eugenics and the freedom of abortion(oh man, and to make it more complicated the whole abortion thing is still indefinently available/legal/accepted in a lot of countries/commnunities, we know this...but seriously, if people cant see what potentially serious fucking consequences and ramifications this whole procreational bio-technology craze could erupt is very naiive and probably watches like too much Cybernetic fantasy anime....anyways, im getting off topic, I think you know what im thinking though, that this shit is pretty ominous and I really have an awfully negative feeling about where this issue is going...
The issue IS whether abortion was morally right or wrong.mao_meowSeptember 22 2007, 06:06:39 UTC
The issue was not whether abortion was morally right or wrong; that was a matter of individual conscience. The question was, who had the right to decide-women or the government?”
HAHAHA, whoa, just got to mention this...um, The right to decide should naturally proceed with the freedom of the choice the woman has to choose what she thinks is moral according to her individual conscience, so, logically, she is the only person who needs to assert that right to the abortion, if they are evaluating the issue on the premise of "who has the right to decide, they have already decided that the woman's right to choose is not suffice to allow her to actually do what she wants(we need big brother to make the decision for the incompetent women)...omg,seriously.
Comments 3
HAHAHA, whoa, just got to mention this...um, The right to decide should naturally proceed with the freedom of the choice the woman has to choose what she thinks is moral according to her individual conscience, so, logically, she is the only person who needs to assert that right to the abortion, if they are evaluating the issue on the premise of "who has the right to decide, they have already decided that the woman's right to choose is not suffice to allow her to actually do what she wants(we need big brother to make the decision for the incompetent women)...omg,seriously.
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