Delegates in South Africa's ruling African National Congress met in closed session today ahead of a delayed vote in the party's most bitter leadership election since it came to power.,,2228895,00.htmlRead more... )
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US woman who said she was raped by US contractors in Iraq testified in Congress on Wednesday, telling legislators that she was kept under armed guard in her trailer after reporting the incident
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The Literary Review Bad Sex in Fiction Awards were inaugurated in 1993. The purpose, as originally set out, was to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual
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This is really apropos of nothing in particular (it's more like a combination of a lot of things), but recently I've been especially infuriated about the police, and the justifications normies give for their behaviour. Seriously, fuck pigs.
The Nike Air Native N7 is the result of nearly two years of collaborative research, development and fit testing in partnership with the Native American community. The first-of-its-kind performance shoe is built on a new
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MINNEAPOLIS, MN (NBC) -- When they came home from Iraq, 2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard had been deployed longer than any other ground combat unit. The tour lasted 22 months and had been extended
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Fifty years ago today, a San Francisco Municipal Court judge ruled that Allen Ginsberg's Beat-era poem "Howl" was not obscene. Yet today, a New York public
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BALTIMORE - Gas-electric hybrid vehicles, the status symbol for the environmentally conscientious, are coming under attack from a constituency that doesn't drive - the blind
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