Why can I never update on calm happy things?

Aug 25, 2010 11:33

This is all pretty much going to be copied and pasted from another site. This all started on August 31st, but it's related to something I've previously posted about. The safety of my two year old Cousin, Zack. I promise to do an LJ cut.  This one is going to be long... Sorry in advance,

Now before I really get into this rant, I know several of you don't like children or don't want to have children of your own. That's fine, and I fully respect your views on that. ^_^ However, I hope everyone can see what I'm about to rant over is wrong... and I hope someone may be able to offer some advice to help.

To begin, my uncle is 51 years old and he has been a raging alcoholic and drug user since he was about fifteen. He has been in and out of jail several times over the years for anything ranging from drinking while driving, domestic disputes, and sexual assault. He's loud, violent, and is the kind who doesn't really give a damn about anyone else.

He met his current girlfriend in jail (big surprise...) about seven years ago. They served their time, moved back here to Missouri, and have been living together ever since. Despite him being abusive to her, she stays. She's a drug addict herself who has had her share of bad choices in her past.

Now, enter Zachery. My adorable, wonderful intelligent now two year old cousin. (See? This is where the title comes in) A child who, when he's with his parents, is around the alcohol, the drugs, the abuse, the yelling, the screaming, the hitting. It's taking a toll on him. He's started to run from his father, screaming in terror. He wont sleep at night while he's there. He wakes up crying from nightmares. He's a mess.

However, on rare occasions his parents call my parents and ask if they would like him to come visit for a week. Up here he's a normal child. Running, playing, laughing. He'll sit down when I go to see him and let me attempt to teach him his letters, numbers and colors. (Something that is forgotten between the time I spend with him and the two to three months when I see him again.) He's even slipped a few times and called my dad 'Daddy' instead of 'Scott' (which is his favorite thing to yell. He adores my dad) The only time he has any sense of stability in his life is when he's here.

This happened to be one of the weeks he was here visiting. Things were great until today. My parents returned home to find several messages from my drunken uncle threatening to kill us all if we gave his son to 'that bitch' (His girlfriend.) This isn't the first time this has happened. The last time he proudly admitted that both he and his girlfriend were in the trailer doing meth and partying, and that he 'wanted his fucking son back because we were trying to steal him'

Long rant short, we called the cops to our hose when they came to get him this afternoon. I know, legally, they are his parents, we can't keep them from him. But my uncle was drunk! We're afraid for Zack's life. Even after telling the officers everything about his past and hers, and how this has all happened before, and how we've seen my uncle just push Zack down (onto the pavement, no less) for nothing, they still let them take my cousin home. Legally, my parents had no claim because they aren't his guardians. I understand that... but what I don't understand is why no one will help.

We've talked to child services twice now, and the officers even called on our behalf. I can only hope that something will actually be done this time... or else something terrible is going to happen.

TL/DR: My uncle and his girlfriend are fucking alcoholic meth heads who had no fucking right bringing a child into this world just to abuse him!

So, after the main rant, which I still need to vent about, I began to get more information.

So through my uncle making drunken profane calls to my parents and via his girlfriend's facebook page, we think she may have taken Zachery and just... went on the run. I really don't know if she posted that just to piss my uncle off. She knows he spies on her facebook page, after all. Or if she really has taken my cousin and is on the run.

I'm not really savvy on laws, but isn't it kidnapping if she just takes off with a child without telling his father..?

Also, my mom has been contacted by a child services representative from the county my uncle lives in. It looks like they're actually taking it seriously this time.

I was so wrong about that last statement...

Two days ago my grandmother broke down and called my uncle. I can't blame her, despite everything he has done, she's still his mother and she loves him. He is under investigation from Child Services and is under a 90 day probation period. Ok. So one would think the CPS is doing their job. Nope. No one knows where Zack is. Still. Rephrasing that a bit, I'm sure my uncle knows where he is after the conversation he had with my grandmother, but he isn't telling.

He's accused my parents of being the one to call the cops that night. Nope. It was Kelly. (I'm tired of trying to conceal the bitch's name) We wouldn't let Zack go with her because we were afraid for his safety. My uncle had just threatened to kill us all, she was in hysterics, and she wasn't listening to us when we tried to explain. Instead, she tells the cops we're holding her son 'hostage'. She conveniently didn't tell my uncle this, though.

So, we get more information. We call the woman in charge of my cousin's case to give her said information. She blows us off. She tells my mom something along the lines of unless we know exactly where Zack is right now, she can't do anything. You FUCKING WHORE!!! Just last week there was a six year old boy who was kept in an attic, and nearly starved TO DEATH because his mother told CPS that he wasn't there. Instead of doing their job to find out where the boy was, and to ensure he was safe, they just left. I don't want this to happen to Zack!

My hands are shaking so badly right now and I'm biting back tears of pure frustration. I don't know what else to do... I really don't. All we want is my cousin to be safe. Away from people who are always abusing him physically and mentally. Away from people who are using drugs and drinking in front of him. Away from the people he looks up to. Away from the BASTARDS who he is going to grow up to be like.

And, just now Kelly's older daughter posts on Kelly's face book page calling her a crack whore, saying she still uses drugs and deserves to have Zack taken.  To which Kelly says:  "Sure, give them more information.  Not like Scott and Bev didn't have enough to give the detective"

Scott and Bev being my parents.

I have no idea what to do, I really don't.  Sionna, any chance you can direct me to one of those protection spells...?
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