Title: A Little Perpetuity Never Hurt Anyone Summary: The prompt from jack-the-grump: i wish you would write a fic where you write the alternate ending to house of the dead i sent you the other day
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Yeah! It was quite an interesting prompt to receive, and i liked working on it. Honestly, i have no idea where they go from here. Do they explore the universe and swap stories until the end of existence? do they search for a way to come back to earth? anything is possible
I didn't really have a concrete plan for writing anything after this! So anything you can imagine, let it be so But I kinda headcanon that they eventually find their way back out of the void. Maybe they end up on some alien planet? Or in a parallel universe? Like you said, there are many possibilities =D
Comments 6
That was lovely, quite an elegant ending.
So many possibilities :)
But I kinda headcanon that they eventually find their way back out of the void. Maybe they end up on some alien planet? Or in a parallel universe? Like you said, there are many possibilities =D
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