Title: Slip Of The Tongue Summary: For the prompt from taamar: I wish you would write a fic where the Rift is somehow tied to Ianto's past. Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: None
I can totally believe Ianto knowing all these alien languages. It's cool to think that the Rift is leaking languages straight into his brain! Now more than ever, Torchwood can't manage without Ianto Jones!
Thank you!! I can never resist a pun (even if it's a horrible one haha).
This is definitely a useful skill to have on a team that fights aliens, and I imagine Ianto will be called upon to translate quite a lot now that the secret is out =D
Thank you so much!! I haven't really decided whether I want to continue this or not. Originally I wasn't going to, but someone else messaged me on AO3 with some lovely headcanons, so we've been collaborating. No promises, but people seem to love this idea so its definitely possible. I'm very happy you enjoyed this =D
Comments 4
I can totally believe Ianto knowing all these alien languages. It's cool to think that the Rift is leaking languages straight into his brain! Now more than ever, Torchwood can't manage without Ianto Jones!
This is definitely a useful skill to have on a team that fights aliens, and I imagine Ianto will be called upon to translate quite a lot now that the secret is out =D
Can we have some more?
I'm very happy you enjoyed this =D
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