A HP drabble

Jun 13, 2007 21:41

Title: Soup
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Snape, Neville, Harry and Draco
Rating: G 
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Warner Bros and JKR and most certainly not me. And everything in this here drabble be fantasy 
Author: Me, nemoorange
Word Count: 100

“Did I tell you to make a soup, Longbottom, or a Confuddlement Draft?”

“A-a Confuddlement Draft, s-sir.”

“So why does it have the consistency of burnt soup?”

“D-don’t know, sir.”

Draco sniggered on the other side of the dungeon and Harry glared at him, while Snape continued to grill Neville about potions.

“Potter!” Harry turned around to find Snape looming over him. “Care to explain why your draft has been boiling for five minutes and why is it is an interesting shade of orange?”

Harry groaned when Snape, smirking, got rid of his potion with a wave of his wand.

Con crit welcomed :)

films: awe, films: potc, writing: drabble

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