So for those of you who can't wait until June 17 for Hollowstone's release, YOU DON'T HAVE TO!
That's right, the wait is over. HOLLOWSTONE IS HERE!!!!!
I just found out late last night. The novel available in
paperback or you can have it seconds via
Kindle on Amazon. It's also available in PDF ebook at
Parker Publishing.
But wait! There's more!!!!
Yours truly has an
author page on Amazon. Dude, I have an author page on Amazon! [pops collar].
And because I can't stop and I won't stop, I'm still in the middle of my Hollowstone Virtual Book Tour. Next stop, the windy city of Chi Town where Cypheroftyr, a 1973 original one print edition,
conducts a most powerful interview on the challenges marginalized writers and fans have to contend with.