You guys know how much I loooove survey! They make me happy and help me re-assure myself in some odd, positive way! Huzzah! So, without further ado: Survey Style, Once More
1. Do you eat a lot of fast food?
Nope, hate McDonald’s, but I do eat chips often and pizza, and I count those as fast foodies.
2. Can you execute an acceptable cartwheel?
Nope, never could in Gymnastics class and still can’t.
3. Have you kissed anyone in 2008?
Lots of kisses!
4. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes, I was. I’m happy often in the morning.
5. Have you ever streaked?
6. Are you an understanding person?
Think so.
7. What was the last movie you saw in theatre?
“Sweeny Todd” with Depp!
8. Did you pray before you went to bed last night?
Yes, G-d is my shield.
9. What did you last get upset about?
Felt guilty yesterday cuz I ate junk food, watched Tv, and didn’t do anything cool. I just wanted to Veg!
10. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Help! Yes!
11. Who were the last people to comment you?
Elliot, Laura, Meister, Catherine, Erin. Hmmm.
12. Does it make you happy to get letters in the mail?
I love letters in the mail! Real mail! YES!
13. Who was the last person you kissed?
My papi.
14. What are you looking forward to this summer?
Actually having it! I’m moving to Australia in the months I know as Summer, but it’s not Summer there. So, where does my Summer go…? Ja ja!
15. Who was the last person you ate with?
My baby!
17. Do raisins belong in cookies?
19. Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?
The decorations, then the food, then the different folks.
20. Are you currently taking a science class in school?
I was, medicine.
21. You've just won a free vacation to either South America or North Korea..
South America, Latino power!
22. Are you hungry?
I’m always hungry.
23. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
25. What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Good friends accept you as you are, and love you even if you are not perfect. So, good friendships don’t go bad. Weak friendships go bad.
26. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
27. How often do you see your exes?
I live several oceans away, so never.
28. Who was the last baby you held?
Don’t much hold babies. Ja ja!
29. Would you ever donate blood? Nope.
30. How many snack machines are in your school?
One in every floor.
31. Have you ever felt replaced?
Hell, yeah. Everyone does at some point, man.
32. Are there deer heads covering any walls in your house?
None, and I hate hunting. Deer belong happy and free in the field, doing deer things.
33. Do you believe in karma?
Yep. What you do comes back to ya, mate. G-d’s watching.
34. Have you ever been asked out?
35. What did you do on the last day of school?
Hang out! Go out and party with my mates over drinks!
36. Are you good at telling jokes?
I’m no joker.
37. Have you ever driven without a license?
Ummmm… Yeah, man… All this past year. But, I’ve got one now!
38. The person you're in love with moves across the world, what do you do?
Ha ha! Story of my life, eh? I’d move with him, man. He moved here to be with me. I can do the same. Makes me a better person.
39. How is your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend doing?
40. Do you wish you had smaller feet?
My feet match my size.
41. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
42. Do you wear your seatbelt?
If ya don’t wear them belts, you don’t ride in my car!
43. When ordering sushi, what do you get?
California yum.
45. Do you write in cursive or in print?
I write in a funky cohesion of both, which means none at the same time. I have the handwriting of a doctor!
46. Would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend, or friends with benefits?
A boyfriend is a man with benefits. The biggest one? Happiness!
47. Who was the last person you sat next to?
48. What were you doing at 10 am?
I was at a Gum clinic, making sure I’m healthy.
49. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
Yes, man, very different. And I’m SO glad!
50. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Wine! In the Cocktails club in Mayaguez! Ha ha!
Second time around:
1. What do you think the most common letter in the English Language?
2. Have you ever worn shoes without socks?
Oops, yes, and it hurts my feet, man!
3. When was the last time you popped a mint?
Last week?
4. Do you pop your gum?
5. Do you know how to play any instruments?
Used to play guitar and piano, but now just play my voice!
6.Do you own an orange shirt?
Eeek, no.
7. Who do you want to be nominated as President of U.S.?
8. Do you use chapstick?
No, makes me feel hot.
9. How many water bottles do you consume a week?
Like five.
10. What is the best type of water?
Tap water from Mayaguez, City of the Pure Waters. Tap will do.
11. Where do you want to work while in College, if at all?
Done with college, man.
12. Are you currently in debt?
Ha ha ha ha! I may go into recession!
13. Do you paint your toe nails?
No, maybe I should…
14. Off the top of your head, what do you think superfluous means?
Lacking deep emotions. Someone who doesn’t listen or care about others or anything, because she/he can’t focus in the moment - in the people in front of her/him. Either cuz he/she has too many things or because he/she is self-centred.
15. When writing essays, do you write in a notebook and then type it, or type it right out of your head?
My best essays have been written by hand.
16. Up to what grade level of math would you say you've completed?
Too much! University Calculus!
17. Do you like bread ends?
18. How many pieces of ham on a sandwhich?
No ham, mate. I like Tuna sandwiches.
19. What kind of cheese do you like?
Cheese? The kind they play on the dance floor across the Uk!
20. Plain chocolate or stuffed with caramel or cherry?
None! Truffle or any nuts.
21. What is your purpose in life?
To be happy and live the best life I can!
22. How many area codes do you use, are you familiar with?
At least four, mate: Uk, Boston, Puerto Rico, Australia.
23. Do any of your siblings look like your twin?
My sisters, we are triplets!
24. Would you ever wear an afro wig?
Ha ha. Why not?
25. Have you ever donated your hair?
Not, but I would.
26. Do you put lotion on your tummy?
All over me…
27. What kind of lotion is your favorite?
Frutty and natural.
28. What's your top best radio station for news?
Wapa Tv!
29. What was the last thing you heard on the news?
Updates about politics back home.
30. How often do you pick up the newspaper to read?
If it’s about, man. I try to avoid it, cuz it’s so sad.
31. How many stripes does the flag have?
My flag has 5 stripes!!!
32. Who made the original 13 starred flag of the U.S?
Betsy Ross
33. Have you ever heard a song by Pink Floyd?
34. How many blogs do you have?
Facebook and Lj.
35. Have you ever used a sound as part of your password for anything?
36. What's your dream car?
A Porsche.
37.Ninja's, Pirates, Thieves, or Politicians?
38. Do you think you'll ever have a six pack?
I pray not!
39. Have you ever counted the number of stairs you've climbed, if so what was the number?
Why would I do this? But, I take 4 flights daily.
40. Have you ever worn cowboy boots?
Bring it on.
41. Who's Ralph Nader, and what did he do?
Another poor US politician.
42. Have you given up trying to find Waldo?
Ha ha! Yes! Only, over here they call it Wally.
43. Ever played jacks?
Who hasn’t?
44. Do you think red lipstick is hot?
Looks too vampy on me, like I’m a Latina out for dirty sex.
45. What does "drop it like it's hot" mean?
Spill the beans, pronto!
46. Have you ever named a part of your body?
Ha ha ha!
47. What's the longest word you can remember right now?
Supercalifragilesticechpialogoso. And I’m sure that’s misspelled.
48. Have you ever said "fine and dandy"?
Yeah, is that bad?
49. What smiley face do you most often use?
The Basics
* Name: Marisabel
* Age: 31
* Month of birth: July
* Any Siblings?: Yes, two sisters and one brother
* Parents still married?: YES!
* Occupation: Professor, teacher
* Do you like your job?: Yes.
* Any pets?: A doggy and a cat
* Hair color: Blackish brown
* Eye color: Brown
* Shoe size: Uk 6
* Any Tattoos?: Wish I had one in my hips!
* Any Piercings?: Yes - on each ear
* Current mood: Happy!
* Current wardrobe choice: pretty skirts and colours
* What are you listening to?: Wisin & Yandel reggaeton
* Who did you last speak with on the phone?: Steve, my bf.
* What do you currently smell like?: Coconuts
* Movie you watched: Stand and Deliver
* Magazine you looked at: Glamour
* Thing you ate: Popcorn
* Book you read: The Woman who Wouldn’t by Gene Wilder
* T.V. show you watched: Mind of Mencia
* Time you cried: big time? Yesterday
* Took a shower: This morning
* Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): 2 months ago
* Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Last week.
* CD you bought: Bee Gees!
What is/was….
* The best thing to happen to you today?: I was told I’m not pregnant, ha ha!
* Your most prized possession: My angel statues.
* Your first vehicle: Ford Bronco truck.
* Your current vehicle: My Dos Patitas. Might be getting a Subaru really soon.
* Your favorite quote: Life’s a journey, not a destination.
* You bedtime (on average): 1am
* Your best trait/characteristic: Loving and forgiving.
* Your worst trait/characteristic: Jealousy!
Do You….
* Store things under your bed: Right now, yes, due to lack of space!
* Daydream: Waaaaay too much!
* Have a computer at home: Yes, Imac and a laptop.
* Live in the city, suburbs or country: City
* Live in a home, apartment, duplex or mobile home: apartment
* Own a cell phone: Yeah, a Nokia.
* Have a good luck charm: Not really, but I write the word “Dad” on important stuff, like exams, for luck.
* Collect anything: Statues!
* Attend high school or college: Ha ha! I have done this WAY too much! Uni, mate.
* Make good grades: I’m “Top of the Line.” The best.
Have You Ever….
* Had a surgery?: Yes.
* Had teeth pulled?: Yes.
* Broke the law intentionally: Eeek, yes.
* Ran away from home?: No.
* Broke a bone?: No, but ligaments, yes.
* Cheated on a test/exam: I’d rather die.
* Had a friend pass away: Thank G-d, no.
* Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Yeah.
* Been in an auto accident: Minor bump, thank G-d.
* Lied to someone: I’m not perfect, mate.
* Been lied to: Ha ha! Hell, yeah.
Your Favorite….
* Place to be: In a coffee shop.
* Place to visit: Europe
* Place to chill: My room
* Non-Alcoholic drink: Coke!
* Alcoholic drink: Anything with Rum! Wine.
* Type of food: Japanese
* Meal/Food dish: Teriyaki chicken
* Dessert: Cheesecake! Anything with white frosting!
* Shampoo & Conditioner: Pantene, L’Oreal
* Toothpaste: Colgate
* Salad dressing: Italian vinagrette
* Ice cream: Payaso!
* Fast food establishment: Wendy’s
* Color: Kill me: pink
* Season: Fall.
* Holiday: Christmas
* Perfume/Cologne: Gucci, Ralph Lauren
* Video Game: Defender
* T.V. show: Gilmore Girls
* Smells: Fruits, sweet after-shower skin smell
* Article of clothing: Skirts, pretty tops
* Book: Phantom, by Susan Kay
* Children’s Book: Music of the Dolphins
* Candy: Gummies!
* Car: Porsche
Do You Believe…
* In Karma: Yes and more yes.
* In God: Yes!
* In Heaven & Hell: Hmm, not really.
* That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): Illegal aliens?! Ha ha ha! Man, that’s crude. But, no, I don’t believe in green aliens. Ilegal aliens don’t exist either! That’s just some awful term racists and greedy folk created for minorities. The Earth belongs to us all!
* That ghosts exist: Yes.
* In horoscopes: Fun to read.
* In others you know: I believe in no one, not really. A lot of people have abandoned me, kicked me, and left me to cry alone.
* In yourself: YES!
Your Opinion…
* On the death penalty: No! Who are we to kill someone?
* On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: Early preparation for the Army and war? Heh.
* On homosexuals in the military: Gays are people, too.
* The war in the Middle East: It’s BS. The US blew their own Towers!
* Schwarzeneggar, Governor or Terminator: One brave person.
* Current gas/fuel prices: We need alternatives for fuel, man. Why does money govern over all of us? Money sucks.