Th Myth of Black Homophobia

Mar 18, 2013 07:03

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Comments 2

joeydiablo March 19 2013, 12:12:31 UTC
"That’s why you rarely see us taking up arms to defend ourselves, you rarely see us boycotting or engaging in civil disobedience on the level that blacks and other POCs do. Most whites don’t want to come out of their comfort zone"

A million times this. I still see gay people eating Chik Fil A. If they can't make the sacrifice to drive around the corner to the next fast food place, can you imagine what would happen if they had to make an actual sacrifice?

I always thought we should be on the courthouse steps demanding our rights instead of posting memes.

Good piece Denny.


neo_prodigy March 23 2013, 13:08:53 UTC
"A million times this. I still see gay people eating Chik Fil A. If they can't make the sacrifice to drive around the corner to the next fast food place, can you imagine what would happen if they had to make an actual sacrifice? "

THANK YOU!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!


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