Title: Try...
Pairing: JinxKame
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Summary: This is the sequel of
A Beautiful Mess Jin and Kame are now officially together and in love. But love is not always a bed of roses...: Try to hold on, To this heart alive, Try to hold on, To this love aloud, Try to hold on, And we are still alive, Try to hold on, And we have survived
Word Count: 1, 006
Disclaimer: It's sad that they aren't mine... they own themselves
piperr0919 thank you dearie ♥
A/N: finally XD yes this is the end for the sequel and there will be an epilogue ♥ and this one is inspired by Smashing Pumpkins 'Try, Try, Try'.
Jin stared at his mother as mixed feelings filled him. He felt regret, regret for avoiding home for the past month; terrified, terrified that his mother would tell him right in his face that she didn’t want him to see Kazuya anymore and anger, anger towards his mother for separating him from Kazuya.
“What are you doing here mama?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
Jin glanced at the kitchen. Kazuya was preparing tea for them. He really didn’t understand why the younger man had told his mother to come to their secret haven when this would most probably disrupt everything they had.
“How are you Jin?”
He turned back to his mother and smiled slightly. “Happy.”
His mother nodded her head as if understanding why he was happy. She’d better understand … he said silently to himself.
“Ah… I’m really sorry,” Kazuya’s voice broke the awkward conversation. He turned to the other who was already clad in a coat, smiling nervously at them. “The kitchen ran out of sugar, please excuse me for a while.”
“Where are you going?”
Jin knew that it was a stupid question but if he could, he didn’t want the younger man to go anywhere. What if Kazuya said that he’s out buying sugar when he’s actually not? That he wanted to leave him again and never come back this time?
“Buying sugar of course,” Kazuya replied.
“Can you please not go?”
His younger lover’s animated smile faded and was replaced with a gentle smile. “I need to go, just talk with your mom and I promise I will come back.”
“Jin… please?”
“Give me your id card and I’ll let you go,” Jin told the other stubbornly. He didn’t care that his mother sees this childish side of him because the thought of Kazuya leaving the house was more important than his pride.
Kazuya handed him his id card and in the process, squeezed his hand affectionately, mouthing an ‘I love you’, then left. The sound of the door closing resounded in his head and though he had held Kazuya’s id hostage, he still couldn’t stop the nagging feeling of anxiety that filled his heart.
“I’m sorry…”
He turned to his mother. She was covering her face with her hands and kept on apologizing that it broke his heart.
He kneeled in front of his mother, prying the hands away from her face, and realized that she had grown thinner since the past month, and felt guilty for he knew that it was his fault for making his mother worry.
“I’m sorry too mama… but…”
Crying, his mother cupped his face and whispered, “I know… I’m sorry… I’m sorry that it had turned out this way.”
His mother continued, “I really thought that it wasn’t serious, that what you had with Kazuya-kun was just what you felt in that spur of the moment but looks like it isn’t…”
A tear trailed down his cheek as he gazed at his mother’s tired, remorseful face. “My baby…” his mother hugged him tightly, “I’m sorry… I hurt you so bad didn’t I?”
“It is okay mama…” he whispered back.
“Just stay as you are…” his mother told him gently, “If Kazuya-kun is the one that makes you happy, it’s fine with me…”
Jin smiled at that and held her tighter in his embrace. “I’m sorry mama… and thank you… thank you for saying yes.”
“As long as you’re happy…” his mother planted a kiss on the top of his head. “Kazuya-kun is a good boy, don’t waste him away…”
“I know mama…” Jin felt his heart swell with happiness. Everything would turn out fine now…
Kazuya glanced at his wristwatch and cursed under his breath. He had taken almost an hour out just to buy sugar. Well, he did go out because he wanted to give Jin and his mother some privacy too but he didn’t expect that he would be this late.
“You’re late.”
He stopped in his tracks and glanced up to see Jin in his cap and sunglasses on, smiling at him.
“Sorry, but I had to go to the convenience store across the street to buy sugar, and… there was a long line…” he smiled nervously at the older man in front of him.
“Do you realize how worried I was?”
“I’m sorry…” he murmured softly.
He gazed at the man in front of him and fought the urge to ask what had happened between the other and his mother. Did it turn out okay or did it turn out that Akanishi-san still wanted them to be apart? He knew that he couldn’t blame Akanishi-san for separating them but if he had to again, it would break him and he wasn’t sure if he could be mended back anymore.
But… if they stayed living that way, living with the thoughts that they could be separated again, living in anxiety, he didn’t know how long he could stand it.
He looked down at his feet, hands gripping tightly around the plastic bag in his hand. “How was it?”
“We did it…” Jin said simply.
Kazuya glanced up at the other man in surprise. “What?”
Jin smiled widely at him. “We did it…”
“We did it?”
“We did it?” he repeated it in disbelief and Jin nodded his head.
He immediately burst out in tears. Happy tears that is. Kazuya was glad that it was late and people walking by seemed to ignore them. He felt fingers brushing against his, taking the plastic bag from his hand.
Kazuya looked at the older man and smiled despite the tears running down his face.
“Let’s go home shall we?”
He nodded his head and they started to walk towards their apartment. Towards home… and he knew that they still had a long way to go and they had many obstacles along the way but he couldn’t help but to feel positive about it.
As long as they keep trying and keep holding on to what they have right now…
A/N: Finally, the sequel ended and yes there is an epilogue on the way :D lol and I do had the urge to continue this one again XD more a sequel after the sequel? lol (^^;) but we will see. fufufu I had two fics in hand right now ♥ and to the readers that have been following me throughout their journey thank you so much
and yup as always comments and feedbacks are always ♥