Title: What is it about you?
Pairing: Implied JinxKame
Rating: G
Genre: Am not sure.
Warning: bad grammar… *you can points out the mistakes, it helps a lot*
Summary: Jin and Kazuya are good friends and band mates. But people around them kept on saying that they aren’t.
Disclaimer: oh how I wish they are really mine XD
A/N: lol~ yeah this is actually my thoughts about Jin and Kame’s relationship. The first part from a set of drabbles and maybe fanarts.
Jin slammed his apartment door behind him. He was having another fight with his girlfriend and it was always the same thing.
“You spent too much time with him.”
“He’s my friend and I spend a lot of time with Pi too, why you never complained about that?”
His girlfriend bit her bottom lip as if to stop herself from shouting back at him.
“Let stop seeing each other for a while…” she finally said after a long awkward silence.
“What? Don’t be stupid.”
His girlfriend gave him a steely gaze. “You’re the stupid one.”
Jin plopped down the couch sighing deeply. It was funny that all his past girlfriends have a strange reaction towards his relationship with Kazuya. There is nothing between them other than being good friends and band mates.
He stared at the phone in his hand and after a lot of pondering; he decided to give the other a call.
“Yo! Kazuya here.”
It was a pause and Jin heard a soft gasp at the other end of the line. He smiled slightly; Kazuya really knew how to read him.
“Don’t tell me…. again?”
Kazuya chuckled. “What make them put all those ideas in their head?”
“She told me that I spent a lot of my time with you.”
“Well… we worked together.”
Jin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose feeling a slight headache.
“I think I blamed it from all the fan girls’ attention of us being a couple.”
“But it’s good for business.”
Jin smiled at the statement and was about to reply back when he heard rustling sounds at the other end of the line. He frowned, glancing at the clock on his wall. 1 am.
“Where are you?”
“Hmmm? I-…” but Kazuya was stopped short by a voice that Jin knew very well. “Kazuya do you really need to buy this?”
Pi. And Jin felt a slight tug in his chest.
“Is that Pi with you?”
“Yeah…” the voices at the other end sounded muffled but he could hear the distinct sound of Kazuya’s laughter.
“Oh… Pi said hi,” the way Kazuya’s voice told him that, somehow made him irritated.
“You’ve been hanging out with Pi a lot lately.”
“Jin…” Kazuya said softly and Jin could almost see the gentle amused smile on Kazuya’s face.
“It’s not fair…” Jin couldn’t stop himself from whining, “You stop hanging out with me for this past few weeks but my girlfriend still had some issues about us.”
Kazuya sighed. “I missed you too.”
Jin smiled at that. “Come and see me? Please?”
“You don’t have to ask. You knew that I always come to you.” A pause, “And Pi wanted to invite himself too.”
Jin chuckled and with a teasing tone says. “Tell him, that I only want you by myself.”
“How could you Jin!” Pi’s fake dejected voice was heard at the background.
Jin gave out a soft sigh smiling. “The more the merrier.”
“Wait for us then.”
“So, see you lat-…”
“Kazuya…” Jin breathed.
“Hurry up…” he said softly.
“I know…” Kazuya whispered back.
A/N: yeah~ it's a drabble. lol~ though i know it would be better if i make this as a DJ but i didn't have that much time to do it. and the idea is nagging me a lot... and i have too because if not i just couldn't concentrate on my studying XDDDDD *lol~ excuses~ excuses~* hope you all would like it~ comments and constructive criticism is always love XD.