I feel like I've been making my presence less and less known as the months drag on. Could be that maybe February has still been gnawing at me, which is quite lamentable seeing has how it's not getting me anywhere. Seriously, I don't know how long I'm gonna grieve until I'm quite back to my former self. I'm not used to this, and I'm not really
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Comments 5
I DO love those paper models though. hnngggh.... I may make some of those for this next con :3c
I did learn that people are interested in takeaways though, which seems kind of lame but also working on things while you are at the table is fun too. Plus a lot of people bought my $3 GRS comics and asked me to sign them. It was pretty neato.
Still eager to learn more though.
I just got myself a button press, so I might be trying my hand at that before the next con (which is in about 2 weeks for us!)
If I bought any sort of comic book from you I'd totally ask you to sign it. You never know when you become a comic celebrity I can fish that thing out and say "I got this when she was still local" lol!
...or I could just go over the deep end like I've done with one of my friends (which I told her I'd do as a joke but it never stops being funny for us) that I will be super evident in my brown nosing while telling everyone that I'm cooler than they are because we're buddies and they're not, LMAO!
I caved and got a button press actually...though now I'm not sure what to make! I've been thinking like, zodiac signs or anime emoticons (like the sweatdrop, the dotdotdot, that pinched nerve, etc) but people have already done that and I'm not sure if that's horrible copying or not. Any suggestions?
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