Day 0 of E3 2005 has a bit more hilarity than Day -1, though that doesn't mean much. Enjoy!
I awoke at 8, I think? I honestly don't remember exactly when I woke up that day, but Deguello was the one who woke me because he told us that if we hurried, we might be able to get into Nintendo's conference. Apparently he was told to round up as many people as he could, so we all headed upstairs into Rize's room to see if he and his roommate wanted to try to get there. It took at least a good 5 minutes before they were ready, but then we were off. The only problem? None of us had any idea where the subway was, which was the cheapest way to get to Hollywood, where the conference was being held. So, we asked the lady in the hotel lobby which way to go. After we followed these "directions" for a while, we realized we were lost, so Ryan Jones [Notice that the people I know best/am closest to are the ones who I refer by their screen name] went into the closest business and again asked directions to the subway. After a few blocks we realized where they had been sending us the entire time. There, across the street, was a building that housed a Burger King and a Blockbuster. What was in the middle of those two establishments, you ask? Yep, you guessed it. A Subway restaurant. Tremendous.
So, after sulking back to the hotel, we all took this opportunity to get some breakfast. I had a couple bowls of Fruit Loops [why you needed to know this, I don't know], as I'm always more partial to cereal than breads of any kind. After that I headed back up to my room while the rest of the guys stayed in the lobby, which proved to be a mistake. See, I had no idea that they were heading down to the convention center to update the site with screenshots & whatnot. I had no idea, because when I was at N-Philes, the "Home Team" (which was pretty much everyone, but still) was the one to do all the updating . Oh well, another lesson learned for next year [LOL YEAH RIGHT].
So the next few hours were spent looking at all the site updates, knowing I wouldn't be able to help at all, and watching BreakyBoy play quite a bit of Gun Valkyrie. We watched the new Legend of Zelda trailer, even though it took 20 minutes to download. After a while, Ty and the rest of the gang finally came back. At that point I tried out a Burnout game for the first time [Burnout 3, I think]. I knew the basic premise of the games, but I didn't know it'd be so fun to play. After a few rounds of that, everyone decided to head down to the pool area. Right before I actually got to the pool I thought I might have caught a glimpse of Rimmer, but I decided not to chance it so I just continued to the pool. We all just sat around talking while others played on their DSs.
It was then I noticed a short figure approaching the pool entrance. Rimmer! I had waited for this moment for years [Way to use the same sentence from before, jerk!], so I was in a bit of shock when I saw him there. It took some strength [...really?], but I managed to get up, lumber over to him, and give him a hug [which, to date, is still the most gratisfying hug ever]. After he said his hellos to the rest of the crew, Breaky and I took him up to our room to get him situated. That night we played Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Boobies until some of the PGC jerks came in and ruined everything. After that I had to attend a PGC meeting (LOL!!!11) , where we discussed who would be doing impressions of what games.
After that, things got pretty lame as the rest of the night was spent playing fighting games. I think we might have gotten SSBM played somewhere in there, but those nights all run together so I don't quite remember all we did. That night I was able to secure a bed again, with Rimmer next to me [<3]. Apparently I snore loud, so Rimmer didn't get much sleep. Of course, none of these jerks tells me about this until after the trip. I know I snore, but nobody has ever told me it was loud. And that concludes day 2 of my trip.