1) What was your FIRST video game console?
An original NES. <3
2) Name a few games you played on said console.
Mario 1, GUN NAC (<3), the original Ninja Turtles (freaking underwater level...)
3) Excluding handhelds, how many VG consoles do you own presently?
PS2 + GCN + N64 + Wii = 4
4) Were you a Street Fighter nut? Any character in particular?
Not so much Street Fighter proper, but the other Capcom games. MVC2 <3
5) Do you think Capcom is a FUCKING awesome company with kickass character designs?
Uhm... kind of sort of. None of the SF characters really jump out at me, but I LOVE Captain Commando <3.
6) Here's the scenario.. You had some friends over and you all ate FRIED CHICKEN! After the meal you all decide to play some video games. As your friend reaches for a controller you notice his/her hands are very "greasy." Are you the type that would insist they wash their hands before pawing the controller, or is it no big deal?
YES. This has happened before, but with White Castle ;_;
7) What's your favorite RPG/Action RPG? I will allow a second and third fave if you insist.
Um. Let's go with Valkyrie Profile, followed by FF7 and Twilight Princess.
8) Do you prefer 2D games or 3D games?
3D. I'm a graphics whore. >_>
9) Are you an SNK fan?
Not really. Silly Terry Bogard.
9) Are you good at DDR?
Everything's relative, but I think I'm soso. XD
10) Who wants to kick that dog's ass from Duck Hunt?
11) Have you skipped out on important events in life because of video games?
Um... not that I know of?
12) Do you listen to video game music?
Haha, not nearly as much as I used to. There was a time when my collection was 100% VGM.
13) Have you ever cosplayed a VG character..?
Not intentionally. But Pokemon Trainer a few times, apparently ;_;
14) Have you ever been in an arcade playing a fighting game, KICKING ASS, and then some 6 year old asian kid comes in and OWNS YOU??
I WAS that kid. No, just kidding. I'm terrible at fighting games.
15) Name three games you would love to see remakes of if it was done properly.
Valkyrie Profile needs more than just a port >8U.
16) Mario or Sonic?
Sonic. Because evil robotic monkeys and chickens make slightly more sense than evil giant mushrooms.
17) When a movie shows up in the theaters, let's use Spider-Man as an example, are you likely to buy the GAME version?
Ew. Nah.
18) What is your LEAST favorite genre of video games? (ex. fighting, sports, shooters, etc.)
Not a fan of sports games.
19) Is there a game out there that you feel was unique and didn't get enough love?
Can't really say. My game history's a little limited.
20) Have you ever verbally abused a game because you couldn't beat one of the levels and/or bosses?
Goddamn cheating SCIII.
21) Do you own any VG apparel?
Um, I don't think so, though I may have at one point? Don't remember.
22) What are your thoughts on the live-action Super Mario Bros movie?
Oh, John Leguizamo. Also, tiny lizard head Koopas = no.
23) On that note, what did you think about the live-action Street Fighter movie?
"For me, it was a Tuesday." Oh, Ming-na. Not your finest work. But not NEARLY as bad (or hilarious) as
24) Who hottest out of the KOF chicks?
The only one I know of is Mai, and she's a ho.
25) Do you say "old-school" a lot when you're having a VG conversation with others?
More than I'd like to admit. >_>
26) Have you ever lent someone a game and they returned it to you damaged?
Yes. ;__;
27) Do you own any imported games?
28) Are you ready for this meme to be over, or could you keep going?
I guess so?
29) In this scenario, let's pretend you're going to get a video game tattoo! What would you get and where? This can be simple or elaborate.
Um. Not really a fan of tattoos, but it'd be something a little more subtle... not so sure what though. XD
*runs away*