Title: "Transcript"
Series: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Genre: Humor
Pairing: implied Neuro/Yako
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,485
Summary: Upon his return, Neuro researches Yako's activities in his absence.
Notes: Spoilers for the end of the manga.
To Read:
Neuro slowly opened his eyes. Ahhh, back in the human world once more. Finally. The stagnant oxygen, devoid of any evil miasmas, made him light-headed for a moment before his demonic energy began compensating for his body's natural inadequacies in this dimension. He felt the slow drain begin again at the very core of his being - and the hunger for mysteries that brought along with it.
But first things first. He must ascertain exactly how much time had passed in this plane during his recuperation in the demon world. Thankfully, not as much as he had feared. The surroundings still looked relatively familiar - though it would appear he'd surfaced in a different country this time - and the tantalizing air of mysteries had remained unchanged for the most part. Besides, he could still sense her presence here. It was faint, she was most likely far away...
But still here. Still alive.
Something akin to relief (but not quite, he certainly hadn't been worried or anything) washed over him. There had been a chance he wouldn't be able to return before her comparatively short lifespan had run out. His timely return could only be attributed to an exceedingly fortunate alignment of variables. He managed to catch a glimpse of the date from a nearby newspaper dispenser. 2009. Three years, then. A heartbeat in the grand scheme of the cosmos.
But still a great deal of time for a human being. Considering how much she'd changed in the single year they'd spent together, how different would she be now? Would her evolution have continued along the same path his training had so carefully arranged for her? Would she surprise him? Or would her entrance into adulthood have brought all of his hard work to a screeching halt? With maturity came pride and nothing good ever came of that. Pride made humans static, no better than the demons below. He'd have to ascertain if she was still worthy of his tutelage before he sought her out. Somehow, he didn't feel that he could bear the displeasure of witnessing her disappoint him like that.
He strolled into a local media center and, after simultaneously charming and terrifying a few unsuspecting librarians, made his way to a nearby computer terminal. His nose wrinkled in distaste at the creaky old machine, but after a few brief modifications with one of his demon tools, the device was soon zipping along at lightning speed.
ADVANCED SEARCH: Find websites that have...
One or more of these words: "Yako Katsuragi" OR "schoolgirl detective" OR "demon world detective agency"
Neuro pressed the enter key without a moment's hesitation. Almost instantly, several news articles appeared - and more than a few fansites. One in particular caught his interest, his demon tool ("Evil Cross-Reference") informing him that this single site contained links to almost every other result he'd been able to find.
THE COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO YAKO KATSURAGI: World-Renowned Detective and Negotiator
Neuro's eyebrows raised for a moment. Negotiator, eh? Not exactly what he'd expected, but not bad, by any stretch. He continued scanning the fansite for further information, noting with wry amusement that the site's webmaster was none other than Yako's old high school fanboy, still as morbidly obese as ever.
Yako Katsuragi (years active: 2005-present)
This brought a rather smug smile of satisfaction to Neuro's lips. He should have known better than to doubt his partner's dedication. Perhaps she'd graduated beyond "slug" status after all... After glancing over several case overviews, some of which brought a warm glow of pride, others an uncomfortable cringe and roll of the eyes, a particular sub-heading caught his attention.
Yako Katsuragi and Neuro Nougami
What on earth...? With a look of intense curiosity, Neuro clicked on the link. At the top of the page was a photo of Yako, immediately after having solved the infamous Aya Asia case that had made her a household name. And there he was, in the background of the snapshot, standing just behind her. Funny, he'd tried to remain out of sight of the public eye as much as possible, leaving most of the public relations to Yako. No need attracting undue attention to himself. It wasn't conducive to his purpose. He must have been distracted back then, perhaps sensing a new mystery?
At any rate, he selected the largest file and began reading.
Disc Jockey: ...And we're back! With us in the studio today, you'll most likely remember her as the famous "schoolgirl detective," Yako Katsuragi! Thanks for joining us, Katsuragi-san.
Yako Katsuragi: Oh, um, you can call me Yako... And it's my pleasure, thanks for having me.
DJ: Alright then, Yako-chan, would you mind telling us what you've been up to lately? Any thrilling mysteries solved, crafty criminals caught?
YK: [laughs] A few, I suppose... Officers Ishigaki and Todoroki recently called me in as a consultant for-- Oh, but I'm not allowed to talk about that case until after it goes to trial, sorry.
DJ: Aww, you're no fuuun~
YK: Th-that was my agreement, sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it.
DJ: Very well... So I hear you've been taking on more negotiation work lately? What's prompted this new interest in diplomacy, Yako-chan?
YK: [brief pause] To be honest, I feel like psychological analysis has always been where my greatest strength lied. I've never gotten out of the habit of mystery-solving, but I'll admit, my attention to detail weakened with the departure of my...assistant.
DJ: That would be the man often seen with you during your first year of detective work, correct? And what was his name?
YK: [almost inaudible] Neuro Nougami.
DJ: Aha, yes. I remember now. And he went abroad for health reasons?
YK: Right. But he promised to come back to Japan as soon as he's recovered. [brief pause] He will be coming back. But, yes, that's probably the main reason for my recent shift in casework.
DJ: Speaking of which, why don't you tell us about your love life, hmm?
YK: Speaking of...huh? Wait, what? [flustered]
DJ: Is there anyone special in your life right now?
YK: [murmuring] What does any of this have to do with my negotiation work?
DJ: Come on, Yako-chan, just between us girls~
YK: Just between-- This is a live show, isn't it?
DJ: Semantics.
YK: I, uh, really don't have a love life... I've just been focusing on keeping myself busy until Neuro comes back.
DJ: Ahhh, so you're waiting for him, are you? Oh, I just love long-distance romances!
From his position in front of the public computer, Neuro snorted.
YK: [snorts]
DJ: Well, surely you've heard the rumors.
YK: Seriously? Me and...Neuro? Where on earth did you get that idea?
DJ: Do you really want me to say while we're on the air...?
YK: Well, not I'm not so--
DJ: The hotel rooms, dear, they were a dead giveaway! No one shares a single hotel room with a single bed if they're in a purely platonic relationship. And yet, on several occasions...
YK: [interjects] Wait, that's not true! I mean, um, yeah, we did share hotel rooms a lot, but we never slept together! Neuro didn't even sleep in the beds!
DJ: What, did he sleep on the ceiling?
Neuro's eyes widened as he read onwards. How could this human have come to the correct conclusion so quickly via such an arbitrary source? All of his careful scheming, undone by a simple quirk of his sleeping habits...
YK: [laughs] Good one, ma'am.
DJ: But you see how ridiculous it is to try and debate this.
Neuro relaxed slightly. Oh, it was just a joke? Humans had such a peculiar sense of humor.
YK: Well, I certainly understand why people might think that... And it's certainly not the first time it's been suggested, but... While I certainly do care for Neuro, we were never in that sort of relationship. [brief pause] Certainly.
DJ: Very well, then. Moving on...
The transcript went on for a bit longer, but Neuro's eyes glazed over in disinterest. There was nothing here that he didn't already know. Though Yako's behavior during the interview had been intriguing. She "cared" for him, did she? Perhaps she'd changed in his absence more than he'd realized.
Rising from his seat, he began making his way out of the library. He'd have to give some real thought to their cover story if they were to avoid any unwanted attention of that sort. It wouldn't be so unusual for them to share a room if he were Yako's fiancé, right? This idea pleased him for reasons he couldn't quite identify. Well, no matter. He began planning the best way to reintroduce himself to his erstwhile partner. Perhaps a shocking appearance on the wing of her plane, a la Twilight Zone? He chuckled to himself and, gleefully imagining her terrified expression at 32,000 feet, made his way jauntily down the sidewalk.
I've actually wanted to try out this idea for a while now. Hope it was successful, haha... ^^;;