Title: "Red Cupid"
Series: Black Butler
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Characters/Pairings: SebaCiel, Will/Grell, Ronald/Finny
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,610
Summary: The course of true love never did run smooth...
Notes: Takes place in
Bicentennial series. Sequel to "
Killing Time," prequel to "
Five Thousand."
To Read:
backinblack wrote:
Dear Red Cupid,
I am hoping you can give me a little perspective on my current situation. I have been in a long-term relationship with my "boss" (for lack of a better term) for quite some time now. And for the most part, it's been just splendid! I enjoy all of our time together and I do my best to express this as often as I can.
But my partner can be a bit... How shall I put this... Prickly? He can go from being as affectionate as a kitten and every bit as adorable to suddenly mocking my declarations of love and pushing me away! For the most part, I have recognized this as simply another aspect of his unique personality - and one that I relish just as much, to be quite honest.
However, recent circumstances have put me a bit on edge. I've been contemplating making our union slightly more "official," so to speak. (Yes, I'm talking about the big m-word here.) While I have no doubts I could make him happy were he to accept my proposal, if he does not...
Well, let's just say the nature of our particular arrangement would make this a bit uncomfortable for me.
What should I do? Should I bite the bullet and ask him? Do I risk jeopardizing the happiness we've already found?
P.S. Don't you think welcoming your lover home by lying on his bed wearing a candy speedo, then having the nerve to start complaining about it once he begins consuming aforementioned confectionary is...well, childishly misleading? I mean, surely that was his original intent in wearing the damned thing in the first place, why toy with my mind this way? :(
redcupid replied:
My, my... It seems as though you've fallen in love with the master of mixed messages!
While it's difficult for me to give you proper advice without knowing the precise nature of your working relationship, there's one thing you should remember above all else! Words are pretty things - and often useful in conveying one's feelings - but actions are where the truth of one's love really lies.
Regardless of your partner's occasionally cold words, he has wanted you by his side this long, hasn't he? Perhaps he is just awkward in expressing such things out loud, but I would imagine his loyalty and fidelity speak volumes about his feelings for you. My advice? Go for it, darling!
Just choose the time and place wisely, you'd be amazed at the effect of a truly creative proposal...
P.S. Oh, what I wouldn't give for my special someone to welcome me home that way! Kya~
flowerpower wrote:
Hullo, Red Cupid...
I definitely need your advice on something.
Recently, I wound up...um, getting "intimate" with someone who's been my friend for a while now. This is really rare for me, I don't do that kind of stuff often! (I get the feeling he does, though.) Anyway, I really like him. Whenever I listen to him speak to me, I wind up feeling really special...
And I kind of think I might be falling in love with him, just a little bit. Maybe. I dunno, it's confusing.
I haven't really allowed myself to feel this way about anyone in a long time. (Due to certain circumstances, it's been kind of impossible for me to maintain any kind of long-term relationship.) But for the first time, that might not actually be an issue!
If this works out, if he feels the same way about me... I think I'd be willing to spend the rest of my life with him.
...Ahhh, this is so embarrassing!
It was just one time and it probably didn't mean anything to him. Sorry for wasting your time!
redcupid replied:
Sounds like you've built up some pretty steep barriers around your heart, sugar.
Honestly, not allowing yourself to fall in love! I can't imagine what your reasoning might have been, but you should always embrace the love that manifests itself within your heart!
Chase that dream and let him know how he makes you feel! Who knows, maybe your honesty will get through to him...
wtspears1799 wrote:
Dear Red Cupid,
What would make a good anniversary gift for my wife?
She's very sentimental and I don't want to risk disappointing her...
Cheers, and thanks for your time.
redcupid replied:
Ooh, that's a toughie!
Well... If your relationship is really that important to her, why not give her the gift of spending time together with you in some exotic locale? You can never go wrong with a romantic vacation. Just don't tell her (or me, for that matter) where you're going until you set out! Love is at its best as a grand adventure, after all.
P.S. Kinky red handcuffs are always a good present, too.
P.P.S. Was that really the most creative username you could come up with?
dontfearthereaper wrote:
Hey, Red Cupid! Got a question for ya.
I have this friend, y'see? And he's a real ladies' man, a total stud. But he's been having some issues lately.
He wound up sleeping with this guy he's been buddies with for a while, yeah? (And this ain't the norm, he's usually all about the chiquitas, y'know?) And...it was great. Like, not just the sex, but the guy he slept with.
Like, he can't stop thinking about him.
It's one of those stupidly sappy scenarios where, like, all this guy has to do is smile and suddenly my friend's heart is going all pitter-patter with sunshine and daisies and shit. And he's not used to that.
Ordinarily, his one night stands are just that: one night stands. But...
Well, he's been thinking that maybe he wants more than that this time. And it honestly scares the fuck out of him, because he's never tried that before, least of all with another guy. A guy so sweet and innocent that my friend would sooner castrate himself than break his heart. (Well, maybe not castrate, but you get my point.)
Anyway, if you could get back to me soon, I'd-- er, rather, my friend would really appreciate that.
redcupid replied:
Ooh, how romantic! There's nothing better than the classic story of a playboy falling in love...
But first things first: you might as well cut out that business about your "friend," I know you're talking about yourself.
It sounds to me as though you're head over heels for this boy! And if you're half as charming as you make yourself out to be, winning his heart should be no trouble at all. It might be a bit scary at first, but if you commit to making him happy...?
Odds are, he'll make you happy too.
But you should ease up on the womanizing, alright? No one likes a two-timer.
evileyepatch wrote:
This really isn't the sort of thing I normally waste my time on, but I might as well let it out somewhere.
I...have some difficulties expressing my feelings to my significant other.
We have been together for a rather long time now, though I wasn't always certain he wanted to be with me, regardless of what he might say now. I think... I think, deep down, I feel that I might not deserve all the devotion he's shown me over the years, when he had every right to begrudge that which bound him to me.
And so, to avoid confronting that fear, I act as though he is the one unworthy of my love.
I'm sure this makes him somewhat uneasy, but watching him squirm is somehow comforting to me, knowing I hold at least that much sway over his heart. To be honest, I don't really know what would make me feel more secure in our relationship... We already have a rather sacred bond between us, after all.
But, that being said... I suppose it would be nice if he were able to commit himself to me more officially.
Not in the eyes of God, certainly, but at least to our peers and acquaintances.
At least to me.
redcupid replied:
You have nothing to worry about. :)
From his perch at Sebastian's computer desk, Ciel scowled and re-read the advice columnist's response one more time. Nothing to worry about? What kind of a bullshit answer was that? Every other loser on this site had gotten at least a paragraph in response to their letters.
Well, whatever. Why should he care about the codependent musings of some armchair psychologist, anyway?
He turned his gaze away from the glowing monitor to the bed where Sebastian remained sleeping. Ciel could rouse him with the activation of their contract seal if he so chose, but seeing as the sun had yet to rise... Rather than waking him, Ciel slipped back under the covers as discreetly as possible.
And (surprisingly without waking) Sebastian looped his arms around his young master, pulling the little demon ever closer as he mumbled and muttered in his sleep. He'd probably suffered from some manner of sugar crash after consuming the entirety of Ciel's candy speedo earlier the previous night. Ciel was still rather proud of that idea, not that he'd ever let Sebastian know that. Couldn't have him getting too cocky now.
Ciel nestled his face into the curve of Sebastian's neck and gave a small, contented sigh. At times like these, it seemed silly to worry over such trivialities. They were here, weren't they? They were together, as they always had been and always would be... He couldn't help but to hear the columnist's advice echoing in his head:
You have nothing to worry about.