Title: "Unrequited"
Series: Black Butler
Genre: Drama, General
Characters/Pairings: Claude/Alois, Hannah, Luka
Rating: PG
Word Count: 333
Summary: A strange little family takes a trip to the beach.
Notes: Takes place in
"Bicentennial" series, before
Hitches and Knots.
To Read:
Brazilian beaches were the best in the world.
Or so Alois had declared a few hours previous, before insisting they all make the trip shoreward from their comfortable summer condo in São Paulo.
And now, the boys were playing happily in the surf, splashing and dunking one another as if they truly were the children they appeared to be. One look into their eyes proved otherwise, however, several lifetimes' worth of joys and sadnesses dwelling there, peeking out only in their quietest of moments.
A moment such as this, as Claude glanced up from his position on the shore to find a pair of ice-blue eyes gazing wholeheartedly in his direction.
Luka had taken a break from playing and was now solemnly wading inland, searching for seashells. Alois remained standing in the surf, seawater lapping gently around his ankles, just...staring. That look was unmistakable.
I still love you.
When he noticed Claude returning his gaze, Alois quickly stuck out his tongue and made a goofy face, before jogging up to his younger brother and surprising him with an impromptu tickle fight.
"I'll assume you noticed that," a gentle voice spoke quietly from behind Claude. Hannah took a few steps forward until she stood even with him at the shoreline, but kept her gaze to the horizon, making no attempt to meet his eyes.
"I did," Claude replied, allowing no trace of emotion into his voice.
"I'll assume you also know that I don't intend to allow you to break that little one's heart ever again, yes?"
Claude's eyes flickered to the sea once more, taking in the sight of the boy who contracted him, loved him, who simultaneously damned and saved him.
Hannah smiled, somewhat sadly, as she nodded and accepted his response, turning to make her way back to their picnic table and beach towels. After all, it hadn't been the first time Alois had looks at Claude that way since their resurrection.
And it wouldn't be the last time, either.
Hello, my name is Hannah and I suck at writing the Trancys. 8D;;