* Socks (at least 2 wool or synthestic)
* Underwear
* Long underwear (non-cotton)
* T-Shirts
* Long-sleeved Shirts
* Fleece jacker / wool sweater
* Pants (at least 1 pair non-cotton; cheap windpants are perfect)
* Shorts
* Warm jacket
* Rain gear
* Pajamas
* Swimsuit
* Towel(s)
* Warm hat
* Gloves / Mittens
* Bandana
* Notebook for journaling
**Sleeping pad (can be provided by camp)
**Backpack (can be provided by camp)
* Hiking boots
* Sneakers
**Boots with heel (for horseback riding)(can be provided by camp)
* Water shoes
* Small stuffable sleeping bag
* Lightweight / Compact mess kit
* Leakproof water bottle(s)
* Lightweight flashlight / headlamp
* sunscreen
* Insect repellant
* Toiletries
* Dayback (school backpack fine)
* Clipboard
* Wristwatch
* Travel alarm clock
* Pens and/or Pencils
* Camera and film
* Stationery / Cards / Books
* Pillow
* "Loaner" stuffed animals (for homesick campers)
* White T-shirt (to tie dye)
* Books of stories / songs
* Fun clothes / costumes (for camp dress-up days)
* Pocketknife
* Musical instrument
To send mail, once again:
Lindsay Huestis / Gorgi
CIT Little Creek
North 39580 Highway 101
Lilliwaup, WA 98555
I leave July 10th.
I'll be home on:
July 23-27th. From about 2 in the afternoon on the 23rd to around 10 in the morning on the 27th.
August 6th and 7th, just overnight.
August 20th I come home for the summer.
My BIRTHDAY is on the 9th of August, so feel free to send me a card or something small to let me know you're thinking of me. :)
Thats it.. I'll be crossing out things on the list over the next 8 days... Then I'm gonnne.