Title: Innocence [cherry blossom mini-series] [part five] [epilogue]
Pairing: Qmimin (Kyuhyun/Sungmin/Zhou Mi)
Rating: PG
Summary: AU. They lay beneath the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by the delicate petals that gently fell around them.
Note: changed their ages just the tiniest bit.
cherry blossom series masterlist A gentle tug on his sleeve made Sungmin turn to see a younger boy with light brown hair staring at him with his massive chocolate brown eyes.
“I’m Kyuhyun,” the boy said, flashing a grin that was missing a tooth. How cute, Sungmin thought absently.
“I’m Sungmin,” Sungmin answered, turning away from the conversation that his father had urged him to join in on, but the young child was more interested in the boy before him than battle strategies.
“Will you play with me?” Kyuhyun asked and Sungmin nodded, smiling when the younger boy broke into a delighted grin.
Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand, pulling him away from the adults and towards another part of the garden.
“There’s this really pretty tree,” Kyuhyun was saying as he tugged the older along, but they both stopped, surprised, when they saw another young boy sitting beneath the cherry blossom tree ahead of them.
Kyuhyun ventured forward and Sungmin tried to stop him, but the younger was already poking the other boy on the cheek. Kyuhyun fell back with a small squeak as the boy suddenly opened his eyes.
“Kyuhyun, are you okay?” Sungmin asked as he helped the younger off the ground. The third boy looked at them, his mouth slightly agape in surprise.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said. Kyuhyun cocked his head a little.
“You speak Korean all funny,” he mumbled and Sungmin tried to hush him. “But hyung, he speaks weird, just like you,”
Sungmin cringed at that, sure that his accent had disappeared after two years in Korea. The third boy was laughing to himself.
“That’s because I’m from China,” he said, getting to his feet, holding his hand out to Sungmin who took it, eyes hovering warily over the other boy.
Kyuhyun’s mouth dropped open. “You’re from here!” he said, pointing to the ground beneath their feet and the third boy nodded, smiling brightly.
“My name is Zhou Mi,” the boy said, and laughed when Kyuhyun scrunched his nose up at the thought of trying to pronounce that, “but you can also call me Jumyuk,”
“I’m Kyuhyun!” he answered brightly in reply and Sungmin introduced himself softly.
“How old are you, Kyuhyun-sshi?” Zhou Mi asked, bending a little to see eye to eye with the younger.
“I’m fi…” the boy hesitated, staring at his fingers, “five!” he held up the right amount of fingers and they both laughed.
“I’m eight,” Zhou Mi answered, looking at Sungmin for his answer.
“Nine,” Sungmin answered and Zhou Mi smiled at him.
They soon found out that Kyuhyun was remarkably mature and intelligent, despite his age, Zhou Mi was the most knowledgeable when it came to literature and poetry, and Sungmin excelled in battle strategies and swordplay.
When the lord, Kyuhyun’s father, found them some hours later, he couldn’t help a small smile spreading across his face. The three of them were lying together, sleeping innocently and peacefully beneath the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by the delicate petals that gently fell around them.
Hope it was good enough for you Pim ._.
I think I totally stuffed up the whole epic plot that was in my head, but MEH, whatever.