Title: Open Your Eyes Pairing: Donghae x Hyoyeon Supports: Eunhyuk Genre: Drabble, angst Rating: PG A/N: If HyoHyuk didn't exist, Donghae would be here. Summary: They met in the past, but now it's over.
Aww, this is so bittersweet. It's lovely that Donghae and Hyoyeon got to meet again, but in the context of Hyoyeon being Eunhyuk's new girlfriend? So sad T-T
THIS.WAS.REALLY.GOOD!! Must say I didn't expect this kind of ending but it was epic :3 You have to post more and more ^o^. Anyway thanks for writing, it made my night!
Ooh don't worry, I understand french ^.^ But I know english is needed if you want readers as you said in one of your previous posts. Anyway your english is good, I mean really :)
Actually I love all of your pairings, but I created my own LJ only yesterday so I couldn't cheer you before =/. But now it's okay I'll be there .
Comments 19
I'll try to post really soon during the holidays =)
Thanks *____*
Gorgeous work <3
I don't really like the HyoHyuk so I wanted to write something new :)
Allons bon o_o
"- You’ve seeing her since October, and we’re in December, it’s only two months!"
LOL Gros fou-rire après avoir lu la phrase d'avant XD
"- Donghae… I’m with Eunhyuk-ah now."
Je sens que tu as décidé de faire souffrir Nhyukie, il va s'en prendre plein la pore le pauvre choupinou !
Ooooh c'est trop triste. Nom d'un pingouin africain ! Tu les fais souffrir tous les deux mais... Mais c'est cruel T_T'
Anyway, j'aime ~
i love Teen'Eunhyuk , absolutly cute ~
Dong seems to be broken....The way he speaks....His attitude...OWWWW i'm so sad for him !!! , i just wanna hug him.....HUMMMMMMMMMM
such a very good "triangle amoureux"....
it wasn't difficult to read you (?) anymore....
YOU ROCKS ma belle ^^
You have to post more and more ^o^. Anyway thanks for writing, it made my night!
I'll try to write more in english but it's not really easy ><
I'm happy that you liked that pairing because you wrote the good thing " it was epic" :)
Ooh don't worry, I understand french ^.^ But I know english is needed if you want readers as you said in one of your previous posts. Anyway your english is good, I mean really :)
Actually I love all of your pairings, but I created my own LJ only yesterday so I couldn't cheer you before =/. But now it's okay I'll be there .
Keep writing, you are gifted :D
I'm glad that you like all of my pairing :) even if I write a lot in french, so thanks again and I'll be there for your work too >
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