Title: Illusion Pairing: Key / Nicole Supports: Jonghyun, Minho Genre: Romance Rating: PG A/N: Again sorry for my mistakes. Summary: She is in love with him... But there is a problem.
awwww, this is just too sweet bb! ♥ it's cute how nic thought key's gay and his boyfriend is jonghyun XDD you don't how much i love you right now for writing keycole! please do write more bb! thanks so much for an osm keycole fluff! love it sfm! ♥
It's 3.AM but it's my last day in holidays ... so enjoy xD
I will try to write in english now, but when it's long I can't, but I posted a MinRa yesterday and now a KeyCole. I don't know the next pairing, and the language.
Yay!! New OS!! Not really into Keycoles but WOW this one is... IDK, sweet isn't really the word for me but it was kind of gentle. I love the end, and Key the diva is always something I love in a fanfic ^.^ Great job!! :D
"Except there was one snag: Kim Kibum, calling Key by every one, was gay." XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD J'ai explosé de rire X'D Je ne vais pas m'en remettre je crois
"- It’s nothing. There is a dust in my eye. " La bonne excuse bidon u,u
"- I can kiss you when I want now!" C'est trop mignon !!!
Oh unnie, c'est tellement chou. C'est THE couple par excellence avec le MinRa. A force que tu en fasses, j'en suis folle même si au début, ce n'était pas vraiment mon "kiffe". J'aime ~
Comments 15
it's cute how nic thought key's gay and his boyfriend is jonghyun XDD
you don't how much i love you right now for writing keycole!
please do write more bb! thanks so much for an osm keycole fluff! love it sfm! ♥
I prefer MinRa but I don't know why but I missed a little Key the Diva and Nicole.
And ever if I'm not a big fan of Boyxboy, I wanted to put a little of JongKey =P
I try to write more in english too, and again, I'm glad you loved it ! ^-^
aww, i'm glad you wrote keycole instead. there was never enough for me XDD
me too. i don't like yaoi fics. i think it's gross =x
you should! i wanted to read your fics for a long time now but i couldn't because they're all french XDD
p.s. you're still awake? isn't supposed to be 4 am there in france?
I will try to write in english now, but when it's long I can't, but I posted a MinRa yesterday and now a KeyCole.
I don't know the next pairing, and the language.
I'm happyt you love it, and me too I'm not a big fan of KeyCole, but I love Key and his diva attitude.
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD J'ai explosé de rire X'D
Je ne vais pas m'en remettre je crois
"- It’s nothing. There is a dust in my eye. "
La bonne excuse bidon u,u
"- I can kiss you when I want now!"
C'est trop mignon !!!
Oh unnie, c'est tellement chou. C'est THE couple par excellence avec le MinRa. A force que tu en fasses, j'en suis folle même si au début, ce n'était pas vraiment mon "kiffe". J'aime ~
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