The cute cabbit on Tenchi Muyo.
Find out what secondary animated character you are. You can tell when my days are going nowhere because of how often I'll post in my livejournal. Surprisingly enough, this is my fourth post of the day... two of which were private but have now become Friend's Only. Big reason I didn't make'em public was because one describes existant feelings of a past relationship and the other describes certain doubt to what may be a future one. It's like a mid-point on some timeline of my life or something. Pretty freakin' lame.
So... I just talked to Ryan. Apparently, she's alright with last night's events (which you can read if you're on my friend's list) but I unfortunately did not get an opportunity to find out whether or not what she said was actually true. x_x; I did post the situation in GD though(Yay, anonymous opinions of gaia), and some of the people there said that it seemed like she was being true with me. I still feel doubt though u_u;; Anyway, maybe I'll talk to her about it when she calls me tomorrow. Someone remind me to sign off at 6-7 pm central and 9 pm central... Unfortunately, her net's down and we've decided to keep contact based on a time-table. >_>;;
So I've got class tomorrow. On wendesday I need to go to my Uncle's and talk to him about getting that job. I need the money soon because Anime Reactor is about 3 weeks away. I'd rather not do the same thing that I did at Anime Iowa by pressing my luck on getting money from ze mom less than 24 hours before I left. D:
As a random note, it's clear that comment whoring does not work for Vulgar. I suppose if it wasn't for all the complaining I'd done about it in the past, then maybe people would be more likely to gimme that occassional little ego boost >>;; Oh well, so much for that. Though I do thank the one person who did comment. <33 ze Emily. n_n
Anyway, to prove that I did have a fun time yesterday, and that the only angst didn't actually occur until after I'd gotten home, I've chosen to scan a cute picture that I took whilst there.
Ben + Pink hoodie + Ryan = Good time :3
Cute, neh? :3 I may head back to Indiana this weekend. I guess we'll see. ;B