Paranoid. Attention is good but don't let it become
fear, okay?
..:What's your psychological problem?:.. ( Anime Pictures ) brought to you by
Quizilla So today's a busy day for Vulgar. I've got a paper that I need to edit (Ivan wrote it for me... which I'm forever grateful. <33) and I need to write Ivan something to high light his better qualities. So that'll be cool... Tom also wants me to go and check around for jobs with him. Bah... lameness. Whatever.
Last night I signed on MSN for the first time in months. Only one person was online really, but she IMed me and told me how much she missed me. I <3'd it. Perhaps I should sign on more often, though I am afraid that I'll start running into people who I'd rather avoid. Definitely something on my mind.
In any case, I'll be sure to update again today once I find some more quizes. XD I'll be sure to get really stupid ones for you guys.
Stolen from
Aowyn× ` ~ #O01 - Who was the last person you met off the internet; Gee, I dunno. It could be any of those people who recognized me from Convention Forums and stuff.
× ` ~ #O02 - What is the longest you've gone without sleep; 3 days or so.
× ` ~ #O03 - When was the last time you had cookies and milk; Too long ago. And I'm effin' hungry! D:
× ` ~ #O04 - What is your favorite cereal; Frosted mini-wheats. Mm... the sugar.
× ` ~ #O05 - One thing you did as a child that got you into trouble; I stole make-up. No wonder I am who I am today.
× ` ~ #O06 - When was the last time you were spanked; o.o I totally don't remember. My parents quit after I started school and stuff.
× ` ~ #O07 - Can you burp on command; Like a ninja.
× ` ~ #O08 - Last time you had a burp that rated high on the burp scale; Another inconsequential event that I fail to remember.
× ` ~ #O09 - If you were to get plastic surgery on just one part of your body, which would it be; A nose job. D:
× ` ~ #O10 - What's your favorite sexual position; The "Stfu." Go do it sometime.
× ` ~ #O11 - If you could be one of the seven dwarfs, which would you be; The badass.
× ` ~ #O12 - What would be your one regret if were to be struck by lightning and die right now; I have no regrets ;3
× ` ~ #O13 - What is your favorite commercial; Back when Shinobi came out for the playstation 2, they had this commercial with this asian kid playing the original shinobi game on the arcade while ninjas secretly snuck up behind him to attack. Then suddenly this red scarf floats throughout the room and apprehends all the ninja. As the kid turns around, a shuriken flies past him and destroys the video game. The kid stares in shock, before saying, "SHINOBI'S BACK!" I loved that commercial.
× ` ~ #O14 - Do you like Faygo; I like anything that's edible.
× ` ~ #O15 - Who do you love; Raymond.
× ` ~ #O16 - Who did you last go camping with; The cub scouts... when I was one of them. o.o
× ` ~ #O17 - Ever met anyone famous?; Fred Gallagher, Bruce Cambell, Iwasaki Taku.
× ` ~ #O18 - Who is your favorite Batman (based on looks); Micheal Keaton.
× ` ~ #O19 - What was your favorite childhood cartoon; Teenage mutant ninja turtles. D: How cliche.
× ` ~ #O20 - Have you ever slept in a car; Haha... Anime Iowa. XD
× ` ~ #O21 - Ever laid down in the tall grass and had sex; Not that I can recall, no.
× ` ~ #O22 - What kind of undies do you prefer; Commando, nigga.
× ` ~ #O23 - Last place you went on a road trip to; Indiana. >>;;
× ` ~ #O24 - Favorite Michael Jackson song (and don't lie); Thriller <333
× ` ~ #O25 - Who was the first person you kissed; Lisa Orduna. u_u;
× ` ~ #O27 - Infinity, Caddy, Mercedes or BMW; Is this code for something?
× ` ~ #O28 - Favorite SNL skit; "The Ambiguously Gay Duo".
× ` ~ #O29 - What was the last thing you wished for; Attention. As per usual...
× ` ~ #O30 - How expensive were the last pair of shoes you bought; 40 to 60 bucks for my really sexy dress shoes. I can't remember the exact price though.
× ` ~ #O31 - Name one things you've purchased and never used; The second volume of "Texhnolyze" has yet to be watched yet.
× ` ~ #O32 - Quote a movie; "And shepherds we shall be. For thee my lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out thy commands. And we shall flow a river forth for thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomeni patri et fili spiritus sancti."
× ` ~ #O33 - Favorite PJ's; I go to bed in my jeans >_>;;
× ` ~ #O34 - Have you ever gotten a fortune from a fortune cookie and kept it; I keep all of them. XD
× ` ~ #O35 - If so, what did it say; Which one o_o
× ` ~ #O36 - Favorite candy bar; Reeses.
× ` ~ #O37 - Have you ever traveled outside the USA; Canada, Mexico... sure.
× ` ~ #O38 - What's a wierd thing that you collect; Souls, mwa ha ha.
× ` ~ #O39 - Name an embarassing moment; Oy. How about not...
× ` ~ #O40 - Who's the funniest person you know; Kev, Ivan, and Jyu entertain me on a regular basis.
× ` ~ #O41 - Who's the meanest?; I'm a bastard. ;3
× ` ~ #O42 - Is it possible to have more than one best friend; They wouldn't be very "best," now would they?
× ` ~ #O43 - What is your favorite picture of yourself; I don't like pictures of me. D:
× ` ~ #O44 - Do you think you're a good person; Absolutely.
× ` ~ #O45 - Do you think others do; They ought to.
× ` ~ #O46 - What's the worst pick up line you've heard; "Are you an Angel?" -Anakin Skywalker.
× ` ~ #O47 - Who was the last person you were mad at; Ryan... Yet again, oy.
× ` ~ #O48 - Do you like it if someone bites you; Depends on who. xD
× ` ~ #O49 - What's the worst medicine you've ever had; Theraflu. Ew...
× ` ~ #O50 - Who's your favorite comedian; Stephen Lynch, probably.