Job Jump?

Nov 03, 2006 22:29

Every week new job postings come up within my company. It is how I got the position I'm currently in. And frequently I look at them, mostly just because I'm curious what changes are happening within the company. There have been one or two that caught my eye that sounded interesting. I haven't gone as far as really considering them though.

Warning - some of this is just venting, but I also would like to hear your opinions on the situation.

Yesterday I was home "sick" but happened to check my work email in the evening. The job openings were posted. Very few senior advocate positions become available and many are filled from within the house. Last night there it was - an SA postion at the house where I started at DCI. However, it was a weekend position. Not every-other weekend, every weekend. Double shifts Saturday and Sunday and 2-10 Friday evening. But that is it, the other 4 days of the week I'd be off. I didn't think much of it last night, but this morning I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I called Karl to discuss it. He was opposed to it immediately and cited many of the same concerns I had about the hours. Recently he applied for an internal transfer at his job that would assure him M-F's with the same hours he currently has. So we would be working completely opposite hours instead of the semi-opposite hours we work now. He hasn't heard their decision on the new position, but they did 2 interviews with him. He'd be a great fit for the job and really wants out of what he's doing now.

I guess I am still a bit miffed at Karl for requesting the transfer on a whim without so much as running it by me first. He just came home one day and told me he put in for another job that opened up. I didn't want to do the same thing to him, especially since there is a very real possibility that I would be offered the position if I showed interest. His negativity towards my job switch was surprising. Not very surprising, but somewhat surprising that he couldn't even see the benefits, only the negatives.

Part of it is that he wants this new position since it is M-F and I also work M-F, even though we work opposite hours on those days. That would give us weekends together, one alone and one with Collin. We would have two whole days off together every other week that aren't consumed fully or partially by work or Collin.

I readily admit that the hours would suck. The days would be long and for 2.5 days out of the week, all I'd do is work and sleep. Also the work is a lot more difficult, well not difficult, but physical, than the house I'm at now. At the same time, it is also the weekend so there isn't the same pressure to get people up and out the door to work then home from work and do their routines, etc. The weekends are somewhat more relaxed and filled with fun activities. I do agree that the hours do have a major burn-out factor.

On the other hand, it leaves me 4 days a week with absolutely no work. I could be home every day when Karl gets home from work, with dinner on the table and all that jazz. I would be available during the day to care for Collin, no matter what happens with the parenting schedule. I could have the time to return to school and finish my classes since they are all during the week. The other staff at this house are very open to trading shifts so if I did need a weekend off, it wouldn't be a huge problem. Not to mention I could pick up shifts during the week for overtime, at that house or at the house where I currently work.

The position would be a lateral move. I'd still be full-time. I'd still have the same rate of pay. I'd still have the same benefits. Some of my responsibilities would change and it involves a lot more direct care than I'm doing now. I wouldn't be stuck there forever. Good old at-will employment. If I truly hated it, I could look for another position. Yes, I know I just said they don't become available all that often, but there are other positions available. And if I could stick it out long enough to finish my classes, many more job possibilities would be open to me.

I guess beyond the benefits I've stated, I've been frustrated with my current position for quite some time. It is sometimes very flexible, but at other times the flex isn't to my advantage. And that isn't even getting in to the lack of stability of never really knowing in too much advance when you're working and when you're not. I've been fed up with my main coworker since about a month after I started, which was when I started working my regular evening shift. One of the people that lives there tries my patience daily and I'm about at wit's end, though there is hope of that getting better. Of course I'd have coworkers in the new position and moments where my patience runs dry. I'd be physically exhausted when I got home instead of mentally exhausted. And sometimes you just get too stuck in the same old rut and just need to mix things up a bit and go through some change. I would be a lot more productive in my work because of the physical demands of the position. I wouldn't be able to sit around on the computer for 3/4 of my shift. Frankly, I'm pretty bored of doing that as it is.

I plan to call one of my coworkers tomorrow to discuss it. She currently is working a somewhat similar schedule, doubles on the weekends with her husband working M-F. She's also jumped from house to house and position to position. I'm sure she'll have lots of insight for me. Though I know it will always come down to each person has to do what's best for themselves, their lives, and their families and relationships. I just wish I knew what that was.

Concerns about the new position
1. long hours, 2 whole days consumed with work
2. missing out on weekends with Karl and Collin
3. not being seen as a supervisor because I'm "new"
4. would I actually do something with my 4 days off or just waste the days away
5. burn out
6. missing out on weekend activities with my friends
7. using more PTO to take one day off (16 hours for a day off, rather than only 8)
8. more physical - no lifting if I got pregnant

Benefits of the new position
1. less time wasted on work days
2. taking classes
3. volunteering at Collin's school
4. 4 evenings with Karl
5. get away from Jummai
6. having a fresh start, mixing things up
7. keeping busier at work rather than wasting time
8. working completely opposite hours rather than semi-opposite

Stay the same
1. benefits
2. pay
3. hours
4. commute time (few minutes further away from home, but I'd only have to drive it 6 times a week instead of 10)
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